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  1. twenty2

    Closet garden harvest -- chopping 6 strains in 4 weeks.

    BTW I'm trying a new cure technique. Leaving whole plant intact roots and all and hanging it in a colder (70s) room. Last strain I grew smelled like a vegetable so I want more of an aroma this time.
  2. twenty2

    Closet garden harvest -- chopping 6 strains in 4 weeks.

    What's up guys? So this is the second go around in the closet. Got a few strains going, nothing crazy... ill post the strains as I harvest. The medium was 4.99 Lowes soil... got stoned and forgot to put my nute blend in the soil then decided to just roll with it. I fed with a mix of my veg fert...
  3. twenty2

    Growing In/Around Wetlands

    i thought about that... honestly i think 5 gal is way too small, in direct sun mid summer that bucket is gonna dry out very quickly no? i'm thinking every other day it might need water, and i' hiking to my location. but i do like being able to use my own soil + nutes. mijola - do you feel like...
  4. twenty2

    Growing In/Around Wetlands

    also what are you growing? my original plan was to order bigbudxNL but i had a ton of bagseed and i have never grown reg seeds (only fem) i wanted to do the whole breeding thing and get bud and also a seed crop for next year. so i have a bunch of different kush and diesel strains as well as some...
  5. twenty2

    Growing In/Around Wetlands

    no thanks for replying... im trying to get as much info as i can and hopefully help some people out in the process. hopefully the boggy area keeps the plant well hydrated throughout the summer.. im really concerned about a flood tho. also... does your area have a ton of huge ass wild grasses? i...
  6. twenty2

    Growing In/Around Wetlands

    hey so im wondering if anyone has done a grow in a wetlands area? i know its not ideal, and flooding is gonna be a concern but its more or less all i have to work with. there is a decent amount of highish ground but im also thinking about planting some (bagseed) in the wetlands area. the plants...
  7. twenty2

    possible over fert / over watering... or lockout? help with a widow and a widowXbb

    thanks for the help guys. i kinda thought that i had a combination of issues going on and yall conformed them. the yellowing around the edges and tips is a P/K overdose. the dark green clawed leaves is too much N, and my rusty spots on the widow is a PH issue. as far as the heat goes... im...
  8. twenty2

    possible over fert / over watering... or lockout? help with a widow and a widowXbb

    hey guys whats up? Im growing a few strains in organic potting mix using FF bigbloom for food. ive given all the plants one foxfarm feeding at about 75% recommended levels. some strains like mako haze and NY47 loved the food and look great, others like the widows and blueberry look very sickly...
  9. twenty2

    150 watt monsters

    they do look healthy what strain are they? also how much heat does the bulb put off? i have a 400w in roughly the same dimensions and its HOT!
  10. twenty2

    Dying plant - possibly hopeless situation, need advice ;_;

    hey just wondering... i think i'm having problems from under-watering. the plants are in very hot conditions about 85-90 degrees most of the light cycle and the small pots (1gal) dry out quick in the light soil in the heat. dont mean to thread jack but im wondering if this is from over feeding...
  11. twenty2

    Dying plant - possibly hopeless situation, need advice ;_;

    cal/mg or pH. Brita filter is taking everything out of your water, including limescale and other minerals. so you might have a pH lockout, at certain pH levels mj cant absorb different nutes. so i suggest using a cal/mg supplement or using bottled spring water... that has worked well for me...
  12. twenty2

    What are the leaves saying?

    whats up guys so im doing a small 7 strain grow and my 3 sativa strains are doing well but all my indicas have varying problems. one seems to be getting too much nitrogen... one looks to have a ph problem and one sativa has "the claw". I just wrote a post in my journal detailing the problems...
  13. twenty2

    CLOSET GARDEN RD 2 --PICS-- 7 Strain 400wHPS Organic

    Ok so today its been a week of 12/12 for the closet - and so far things are going ok. I'm having a problem with 3 of the indica plants, i think its a combination of over-fert and under-watering. The sativas are beasts and besides the mekong high having "the claw" they are healthy. anyway ill...
  14. twenty2

    CLOSET GARDEN RD 2 --PICS-- 7 Strain 400wHPS Organic

    the widows both seem to have some discoloration on the lower leaves... after a feeding of bigbloom the new growth isnt showing any signs of it... i think im also gonna feed a little nitrogen to the whole crop. before i go back to mostly p.
  15. twenty2

    CLOSET GARDEN RD 2 --PICS-- 7 Strain 400wHPS Organic

    whats up yall? so i harvested my first grow about 2 months ago and got 30g of dry Citral marijuana, woohoo! less than i was hoping to yield but i learned a lot and it was fun so i decided to try again. First off, really enjoyed the citral. was very low odor (as advertised) and when it dried it...
  16. twenty2

    Massachussetts growing tips/tricks

    exotic 350-75 zip 60-45 for 3.5 depending on strain dro is 30-40 for a 3.5
  17. twenty2

    Massachussetts growing tips/tricks

    im gonna sprout the seeds in quickrooters and veg em for a day or two... that way a party cup will be all it takes to protect each seedling, and it wont take up much room indoors. For planting, the soil in my area isnt too bad pretty not any clay at all and no sand... im gonna dig 3x3 holes...
  18. twenty2


    cops find plants because people find plants. you want to plant your marijuana plant in a location that only you would go to. also you may have not noticed but marijuana smells... a lot. come september your plants gonna be ripe with nugs and its gonna smell 'loud'. ive got a pretty good nose for...
  19. twenty2

    1st Timer! "Reggie" Guerilla Grow, All Good Advice is Readily Accepted!

    btw a great way to keep animals away from ur crop is urine. ive heard the dog shit idea as well... i dont doubt it works but a water bottle full of piss seems cleaner and easier than anything full of dogshit. I know firsthand coyote urine works to repel deer and rabbits so id assume human urine...
  20. twenty2

    Space and Odor

    just think to yourself, what are the chances that NOONE will see the area your plant is in ALL SUMMER. if the chances are slim, then your girl is probably safe... but if someone sees it, especially in flower... there gonna mess with / kill / steal it. That being said... go to google maps and...