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  1. J

    Drying without hanging

    I've chopped all my buds off and am pretty much inspecting every single one.. the ones with mold i've binned some with just little bits ive trimmed.. real bring down after thinking i had the hard work done.. next time im going to make a drying box with fans and a hygrometer to ensure humidity...
  2. J

    Drying without hanging

    ok so looking inside my bud they pretty much have little white spots which i have scraped out... so just bin the lot and start from stratch? oh boy For sure next time im going to just f8cking oven dry them as soon as I harvest.. whats the point trying to cure in 80% humid climate?..
  3. J

    Drying without hanging

    I dont understand, theres only a small bit of mold on some of the buds.. obv i have now chopped them off the stalks into smaller bits but i dont understand how mold is supposed to survive being burned?
  4. J

    Drying without hanging

    well my worst fears have been confirmed my bud have developed some mold.. i'm gutted as I've worked and waited so long for this I'll be damned if i will lose it all.. i have the buds hanging on a line over the box with a fan on them and some dessicant bags now but to get rid off the mold should...
  5. J

    Drying without hanging

    my area has 80% humidity so i guess just keeping it in newspaper might take awhile for it to dry.. guess i'll just check em everyday..
  6. J

    Drying without hanging

    Hey guys I just chopped my Aurora Indica after 110 days from seed.. smells great.. Anyways I've just got it it a cardboard box with layers of newspaper to dry out.. will this be ok or does it need to hang/get more airflow.. I havent really got the room to hang it up..
  7. J

    Ready To Harvest?

    how long have they been in flower? the stems look red like mine... is it aurora indica too?
  8. J

    Ready To Harvest?

    Oh right I just thought because its been flowering for about 2 months now a it has some brown hairs it might be there.. ah well a few more weeks waiting is fine too.
  9. J

    Ready To Harvest?

    Hi Guys, This is my aurora indica, planted end of Dec.. I wana know if its ready to smoke up yet?:-P
  10. J

    Balcony Grown Indica w PICs

    Hey guys, been growing this on my Balcony since Xmas.. has been going fine until i decided to let loose on it with some mite spray.. now it looks like this.. what do?
  11. J

    flipping loud fan

    eh yeh its just a small tent for 1-2 plants so its doing the air scrubbing and cooling the light and sucking new air in..idk what difference it makes if it pulls or pushes? given its only got a few feet of duct to get through. But yeh its prob just a crappy loud fan so muffling the noise best i...
  12. J

    flipping loud fan

    yah someone on another forum said to go for dynamat.. its pretty pricey tho so i'll prob just wrap the fan ..
  13. J

    flipping loud fan

    I'm going to try some insulated ducting see it that helps..
  14. J

    flipping loud fan

    hey guys, I've got this fan I've bought the silencer, carbon filter *and* speed controller but the bloody thing still sounds like a jet engine!.. I need a *really* quiet fan that can fit a 400w cooltube.. my tent is quiet...
  15. J

    A few specific questions

    fed em guano and dutchmaster.. however.. one is certainly a male so is being put to death today.. the other i am taking clones of and praying that it is female.
  16. J

    A few specific questions

    still doing fine on the balcony dont seem 'stressed' at all havent fed em jack.
  17. J

    A few specific questions

    well i live downunder so its summer here, yes there is alot of light on my balcony but yeh it also gets quite hot.. reason for the stretchy stems on the 1st one was i left it sprouting inside for too long.. you cant see so good in the pics but some of the leaves are starting to yellow.. heat...
  18. J

    A few specific questions

    ok so no one cares about my mutants but they seem to be doing ok on the balcony.. i need to know what to give them for veg? blood meal or what? soil grows is certainly about twice as slow as hydro..
  19. J

    A few specific questions

    well here they are the one on the left is the 9 day old one the other is the stunted 2-3 week old one.. why do they grow so pathetically slowly seriously thinking of tossing soil and just going back to hydro it was far faster.. maybe a little DWC.. or nft
  20. J

    A few specific questions

    ok the one that sprouted and I put straight into the pot on the balcony has a nice thick stem and seems healthy the survivor one is getting a few more leaves but skinny stem still its sort of flopped over i think its like retarded from its initial peat pellet hell..