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  1. S

    Green Python X LSD

    Unfortunately the only way it'll work is if you send me some seeds when you're done. Pm for address lol
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    Let's talk about marijuana potentcy - cause I'm a lil high and leaving to get more hi

    Wow, Well I might get it now, I don't know. What I do know is, revenge is a dish best served cold.
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    Let's talk about marijuana potentcy - cause I'm a lil high and leaving to get more hi

    Yes, leaving in like 5 minutes to blaze more. Now, I've blazed you know, a far amount in my life time. I'm from BC afterall, and a teenager, thus full of angst and an attraction to rebellion so therefore I combust cannabis. Not banging crack rocks though, cause I still have a future...
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    Anyone know Big Devil (2) genetics?

    Sorry if this is the wrong thread. But just wondering if anyone knows what the genetics are? Thanks!
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    Balcony - 5-6 hrs Direct Sunlight So Far

    Good stuff. I harvested my 2 big devils 2 weeks back or so. First plant 30g, second one was 20g. I was happy with that. TBH not the most potent smoke. But does give me a good body stone for a while. Really smooth smoke too. Cured for a week. I think I harvested around day 75ish from seed...
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    Big Devil Autoflower Outdoor Grow

    Have 2 Big Devils #2 about a week to go. Outdoor in 3 gal pots. Think I'll be lucky to pull off a half ounce total... I'll update you, if you update me on yield in this thread haha
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    Outdoor Grow: Sweet Seed's Big Devil

    nice, my big devils have around a week to two weeks left id say. although theyre huge there isnt much bud. oh well ill try to pot a pic soon. peace bro and looking good
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    Fan Leaves turning Yellow with Brown Spots - Random Holes in Leaves - [PICS]

    + Rep Appreciate you answering (think srawberry might be a bit stoned atm :P). Anyways, I'm kind of strapped for cash ATM (student) so can't really drop a ton on a PH tester. But according to water quality control or whatever for my city our PH is a very stable 6.5>6.3 I think the next time...
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    Fan Leaves turning Yellow with Brown Spots - Random Holes in Leaves - [PICS]

    Hey guys I am on around my 7th week since seed on my Big Devil #2 AutoFlower and shit is starting to get real and I am hella scared cause this be my first grow ever. Here's the details: I am growing 100% outdoor on my deck - as soon as they germed I threw em' in their final pots (3...
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    Big devil auto day59 from seed

    I'm growing two big devils #2 outside. Mind if you post final yields?
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    Outdoor Grow: Sweet Seed's Big Devil

    Nice. And yea the big devils are all over the place when it comes to phenotype one of my two is short and bushy like an indica while another one is tall and lanky. Sniper Im going to post my pics of my two on mives journal in a bit if you wanna take a look at how different they are haha
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    Balcony - 5-6 hrs Direct Sunlight So Far

    Good stuff man. My big devils also had brown/orange spots. I think it was a cal-mag deficiency or just a NPK nute deficiency. But when I stopped carbon filtering my water (removes iron,mag, and cal) + feeding nutes the brown spots remained but no new ones appeared. Blows that your cat had...
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    Small Orange/Rust colored dots on fan leaves?

    bump - still wanna see if anyone has any other opinions...
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    Small Orange/Rust colored dots on fan leaves?

    ^ Fixed that I think... I hope And thanks PlantManBee +rep I read that I should then feed them CalMag - correct? Is CalMag available at garden centers - like home depot/walmart or maybe a nursery?
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    Balcony - 5-6 hrs Direct Sunlight So Far

    Hey man - heres a pic of my big devils
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    Small Orange/Rust colored dots on fan leaves?

    Damn don't know why only one pic is showing up - but click on them and they work fine guys
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    Small Orange/Rust colored dots on fan leaves?

    Anyway onto the problem. I am growing 2 Big Devil Autoflowers outdoors on my deck - they're both around 4 weeks old. I am growing them both in 3 gallon pots. I am using Miracle Grow Organic (some nutrients in soil - .10-.05-.05 I believe). They are grown in the exact same way, BUT a little...
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    Norcal outdoor 2011 (saving the season)

    Thanks, and I'm growing Big Devil #2 (link: in 3 gallon pots. So far as my first grow ever they've treated me very well. I bought 3 seeds, but only chose to germ 2. Both germed in 36 hours put em in some Organic...