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  1. R

    how much light for my babies??

    Dude, you will be able to grow 3 beautiful plants under 1 400w MH/HPS combo. There is NO need for 1 per plant. I grew 7 plants under 1 400w with amazing results. :) Use the CFL's to veg, then flower with the HPS! I vegged for a month with cfls, then swapped to flowering with the HPS and my...
  2. R

    Help with coco!

    Ye, unfortunately its the only coco i can get where i live. I could try grow in just the coco chunks?
  3. R

    Help with coco!

    Thanks man! Ye i switched to watering everyday until i get runoff, and the girls are not liking it at all. Most major fan leaves have started curling. Ill be going back to the old feeding schedule.
  4. R

    Mother about to retire,,,No room

    How is that done?
  5. R

    Mother about to retire,,,No room

    Please excuse my ignorance, but what is the oil you are all referring too?
  6. R

    PLease help! Calyxes or balls?

    Thanks for the help guys, it turned out to be a hermie. Im just lucky i took it outside and away from my ladies. I would hate to have my young girls bearing kids at such a young age! :)
  7. R

    Help with coco!

    Hey all, I recently switched mediums to coco. However, where i come from i can only get coco chunks, and a fine coco/peat mix. I mixed both of them around 60% coco chunks/ 40% fine coco&peat mix. Now ive read a lot about the fact that its near impossible to over water in coco. But with my...
  8. R

    PLease help! Calyxes or balls?

    Hey all, I am in dire need of some assistance. One of my current ladies has shown signs of balls or calyxes developing. Now initially i thought i would leave it and see what happens. But now it seems nearly every main node point has them. The weird thing is there are sets of them (containing...
  9. R

    1000w hps or 8 85w dual spectrum IIs for flowering

    definitely the 1000w. Your buds would be much much bigger/nicer with the 1000w.
  10. R

    Big Garage Grow. Build out / Grow Journal

    That is beautiful, Im so jealous dude. Well done!
  11. R

    HPS or MH for Veg?

    Hey all, Now i understand that the colour temperature of MH's are great for vegging, but almost every grow i look at they veg under an HPS? Any particular reason?
  12. R

    Tansplant help!

    Hey all, Ive just transplanted my 10 small seedlings into nice pots and some nice soil. How long do i need to leave the plants under constant light or can i resume my 18/6 light cycle. There is about 5 hours left before the 6 hour dark cycle. Should i put them on 24/0 for a few days or will the...
  13. R

    Aurora Indica and Kush--- 12 lights, 400W CFL *Flowering* Lots-O-Pics

    Im using just under 400W atm of CFL, with 2 100mm Extractor fans, and one 40cm fan in the closet and i cant keep temps lower than 35, ive had to remove lights down to 240w just to make temps go down. I dont know what else to do :/
  14. R

    Urgent Help needed!

    Thanks for the help! Much appreciated. Should she be kept in light all day?
  15. R

    Urgent Help needed!

    Hey all, I transplanted one of my big plants due to the soil being really crappy. And now the plant has seriously wilted and is only getting worse. Its a large outdoor plant that sits around a meter and a half in length. What are the ways to help stop transplant shock? Ive added some rescue...
  16. R

    Newbie Question.

    Hey all, So Im 5 days into my FIRST grow, Im sure my setup is adequate ( ill post pics soon ). Im Just curious as to how long it takes a germinated seed to sprout? I planted 7 and only 3 have sprouted and already have around 5 small leaves. Do some take longer than others or did i mess...
  17. R

    Flickering CFL on a 1340W setup!

    Hey all, Went ahead to buy more lights, and the one 225W CFL i brought is flickering, now its not ridiculous but at times it does get a tad bad. Will this be a problem? The store i brought it from wont have stock for a while! Any help would be awesome! 3 seedlings sprouted today, will post...
  18. R

    Correct amout of light?

    Awesome, thanks guys. Im adding another 40W CFL (daylight 6400k) and another 30 W Grow tube (3250k). It will bring my total wattage up to 250 for 5 plants. And they are all bagseeds and I have no idea what they are as The seeds were all collected into one packet then germinated! :P
  19. R

    Correct amout of light?

    Hi all, Firstly I would like to thank everyone for their awesome work and help with regards to us newbies! It really made my life a pleasure to start growing for the first time! I need to check something though! I am currently growing 5 seedlings, they are still small and i have 1 x 40W CFL...