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  1. ovwarrior

    boiling glass/resin

    DONT USE Q-TIPS!!!!! the cotton will get stuck in there and make it smell nasty!!!!!!
  2. ovwarrior

    Oh Club Soda....

    that sounds badass!
  3. ovwarrior

    How do I stealthily pay for stuff online?

    get a pre paid visa card and have it shipped to a different location than where you live....
  4. ovwarrior

    Koosh's Throwback Classics and Fire Joints

    FUCK yeah man... good to see someone reppin some sactown shit
  5. ovwarrior

    My pot movie

    god that dude sicknasty is a fucking moron hahah... he thinks that nobody else needs medical... hahaha... and he thinks FDD doesnt sell his WEED hahahahahahahah what a looser ive smoked his santaberry....
  6. ovwarrior

    My pot movie

    to me this thread represents the exact reason that marijuana isnt legal... "Yo, in a hundred years form now Everyone who's living on this planet will be dead So it's inconsequential really All the shit that you talk All the bullshit that you stand for It's more important what, what your ready...
  7. ovwarrior

    My pot movie

    ^^^finally! fuck what anyone says man... its all bullshit
  8. ovwarrior

    My pot movie

  9. ovwarrior

    My pot movie

    in my opinion, its bad to depend on anything...
  10. ovwarrior

    UV light on harvested Buds?

    im pretty sure that plants need to be alive to grow
  11. ovwarrior

    My pot movie

    yeah man i dont think that anyone here is DEPENDING on his DVD.. im just hella stoked about it! and i want the soundtrack man!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. ovwarrior

    Help with stealth speaker box grow

    why doesnt anyone read the grow FAQ? GROWFAQ its all on there
  13. ovwarrior

    My pot movie

    i don't even care if or when it comes out... i just wanna buy the DVD before spring is in full swing. what strain are you growing this year BDW?
  14. ovwarrior

    My pot movie

    after rocky XXXXXXXXXIV hahaha
  15. ovwarrior

    My pot movie

    ive been showing your grow show to everyone that i know... keep up the good work
  16. ovwarrior

    My pot movie

    i look at it as a video grow journal.. not spam
  17. ovwarrior

    Will 2 lowryder2 plants in a sealed box smell strong?

    i would just tell them to stfu if they gotta problem with it. and if they dont know what it is tell em its a fuckin hops plant for makin beer. just my 2 pennies!
  18. ovwarrior

    My pot movie

    damn man if i was you id just stop putting out this video... motherfuckers are sooooo quick to assume... im sorry but the resolution on that video is sooooooooo bad that there is no fucking way in hell to even tell if theres hairs on the weed!!! WHO THE FUCK CARESSSS you just make yourselvs look...
  19. ovwarrior

    When do most strains start showing their sex?

    A better question would be why dont people read the Grow FAQ...... GROWFAQ
  20. ovwarrior

    My pot movie

    FUCK YEAH EPISODE 10!!111 we're gonna be doin' it real big this year folks... mad props for having a life... farming chronic... and makin a fuckin video about it. are there more hours in the day in canada or something? between smokin and workin i cant find time to do much else... good luck man!!!