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    *Video* July 14 OG Guerilla Grow Update

    All good. If you can try to get through it, it's not that bad the entire video, only part of it. And I'm going to be using my 1080P HD video camera soon that can actually zoom and all, feels like you're actually there. Just need to find where the hell it was put so I can use it. That'll FOR SURE...
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    *Video* July 14 OG Guerilla Grow Update

    Sorry that's what I get for using an iPhone AND having hundreds of mosquitos trying to bite me. When you're being eaten alive it's hard to hold things still, trust me I did the best I could. Thanks dude.
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    *Video* July 14 OG Guerilla Grow Update

    Ok so this is the latest video. I had a lot of issues rendering it so it took me like a day and a half to get up lol. Watch in HD if you want. Let me know what you think and feel free to comment any questions or opinions or suggestions and I'll...
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    Forest OG Guerilla Grow Update

    Yep! :) And good news man, it rained all of last night and is all of today, and is forecast for the entire week. They're all going to get all the water they need. And I'm going to put a few 23 gallon buckets out there at first then try to build my reservoir this week. Then it should be able to...
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    Forest OG Guerilla Grow Update

    Thanks man, will do. Within 1 or 2 days I'm putting another video up. Thanks man. I'm getting things fertilized tomorrow since I got paid today and can now buy the equipment to set the right PH on my water, etc. Thanks for the comments and I'll definitely check out your grow. I need to sleep...
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    Forest OG Guerilla Grow Update

    Funny you say that. That was actually my plan. This was the best area to grow in, I didn't really have any options near a water source or anything. My plan was to dig a massive freaking hole or 2, and then use like special plastic sheeting and then basically make a massive capture. The reason...
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    Forest OG Guerilla Grow Update

    Yeah, I was pretty happy when we got a storm last night. It looks like there will be one again tonight. For some reason this year it's actually been a lot more rainier than in previous years. It's a great thing, as it means I won't have to worry about watering them AS often. And yeah they're in...
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    Forest OG Guerilla Grow Update

    Thanks man! YEAH I love it too haha. Is it just due to the population amount in the general area you're referring to, or the climate in Toronto? Cause if it's the climate, I actually have it worse where I am. I'm in Canada myself as well. And yeah the few leaves that are like that I believe were...
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    Forest OG Guerilla Grow Update

    So this is my OG Kush Guerilla grow outdoors. There's 37 plants out there already, and the other 10 have yet to be moved to that spot. So, in total there's 47 of them. What you all think? Anything you want to see in particular at all...
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    *VIDEO* 47 OG Kush Outside Grow

    Yep, I'm going to be doing them from now till harvest time. =) I'm uploading another one tonight. They are clone. I got 40 cuttings, and there are 7 which came from cuttings as well, but were from the same guy who was moving places, and couldn't hold onto his stuff. So that's why there's 7 big...
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    *VIDEO* 47 OG Kush Outside Grow

    This is my outdoor grow. My cannabis plants desperately needed to be re-potted. Me and my friend did that yesterday, and in this video they're looking better already! I should be starting to use my pro video camera soon, so that the quality is much, much better. We used Pro-Mix hp, one of the...
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    High: The True Tale of American Marijuana-Free Full Length Video

    Of course it would not fucking work in Canada! :( I've yet to find a working link for it. Here youtube will even rent it out to Americans... Sigh.
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    I Rub the Leafs to See If My Plants Need Water. Anyone Else?

    Sorry, randomly throwing this in here: Let's just say let's hope nobody's on shrooms or has epilepsy xD
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    First time grow

    Ignore the douche bags bro no one gave me support at first but eventually you'll find someone who can help you out. If I knew more I'd help you out but I'm pretty new too. Good luck and stick around you'll find someone soon! :) Good luck with your grows!
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    sent you another pm :P

    sent you another pm :P
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    check out the pm i sent you please :)

    check out the pm i sent you please :)
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    WHAT's Cost of 18 square meter grow?

    Lol you're correct dude. @Green Dave & @cowell: To be honest I am using Google and watching videos, etc. I posted on here because I was curious about the opinions I'd get from many growers. This forum has like 330,000 members. That's a huge community. I'm sure there are cheaper ways to do it...
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    WHAT's Cost of 18 square meter grow?

    Eh, are you sure? I don't know if that's exactly the optimum solution for nutrients and all. How do you manage it exactly?
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    WHAT's Cost of 18 square meter grow?

    I know experience is important, but I will have a year to research and full time to deal with the plants. I mean, not to be offensive, but it is plants man. Sure you need to be pretty diligent as this isn't just "any" plant, but it's not exactly the most complicated thing ever. My plan is to...
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    WHAT's Cost of 18 square meter grow?

    I am going to do a combo of both Richie. I am spending a year saving up... IDK man, I didn't create this thread for criticism, but rather for answers. Don't really appreciate being shown disrespect by people. Not saying you were totally, but that's sorta the way I take it.