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  1. caper24

    What the hell am i doing wrong here? please helpp!!!!

    I have two beautiful outdoor mothers growing now, a Jamaican Perl, and a white widow and their turning out great, the buds starting to form now on each plant on multiple sites. The problem i have is with god dam clones! i bought a hot house that came with 72 jiffy pellets, one heat mat, one...
  2. caper24

    First Outdoor Groww!! Check her outt, shes geourgouss!!

    Alright, sounds mint, thanks a ton hugecroppa77, i remeber bak when i started this forum like last year lol, someone told me to use the same products with my plans, so be it, ill go forward nd cut clones soons i get my gear !! thanks broo
  3. caper24

    First Outdoor Groww!! Check her outt, shes geourgouss!!

    This is my first grow ever, and im proud to annouce that i have one beautiful plantt, (the seed came from my jamaican friend on my trip to jamacia), but i plan to cut some clones off and start them on the inside , so here my question can i cut clones off an outdoor plant nd grow the clones as...
  4. caper24

    The Cold Hard Truth, Tell me how it iss....

    aha im talkin bout ,my sister knowing bi, its pretty hard to hide considering she lives in the house and she smokes it herself, trust me this little project is a in house secret, no body knows about this but my family. Anyways i was just reading some other threads right and i came across someone...
  5. caper24

    The Cold Hard Truth, Tell me how it iss....

    aha yea thanks alot fellas, i aintt 14 tho by a long shott im 19, jus didnt fully understand when it said g/per square meter nd all that jazz but i got that down noww, i aucally jus sprouted 4 jamacian seeds my sister picked up for me while she was in jamaica. She was at Rick Cafe and sum fella...
  6. caper24

    The Cold Hard Truth, Tell me how it iss....

    Yea that seemed a lil to real to be true bout the 400-500 grams aha but like i sayy yuh gotta ask tah learn rite aha what do you mean bi SOG?
  7. caper24

    The Cold Hard Truth, Tell me how it iss....

    OK folkss, while i keep on reading more and more and listening to peoples advice about growing ganja indoors. Are my hopes to high:?: please let me kno so i aint let down come harvest. This is going to be my set up... - The Shell of a hardwood 5 drawer dresser with a quarter/inch plywood as a...
  8. caper24

    huge monster indoor plant

    geourgous man, proud of yuh aha looks greatt, light a nicee spliff upp fer us all eh ahah!! Congrats broo ++Rep
  9. caper24

    Start Of My Grow.. Dresserr!! Check it outt tell me what you thinkk!!!

    Here are some updated Photos of the Dresser.. I now have the door on with a large peice of 3quarter/inch plywood with 3 heavey duty hinges holding it up, i also added a few photos of the fan i was talking about in the first post of this thread.. By tomorrow i will be adding the emergency blanket...
  10. caper24

    Start Of My Grow.. Dresserr!! Check it outt tell me what you thinkk!!!

    oh and quick question....can you use a emergency blanket for reflections of light nd heat????
  11. caper24

    Start Of My Grow.. Dresserr!! Check it outt tell me what you thinkk!!!

    Hey fellow potheadssss, i started a new project calling start growing your own goddam weed and paying 10 bucks a gram aha. I hollowed out my 5 drawer dresser, and took the faces of the drawers off the drawers themselfs. I took a peice of plywood cut to fit the dresser and nailed the faces on...
  12. caper24

    A Few questions on lighting, pics included!!

    Thanks a tonn very helpful info.. where can i get the cfl lights with the 6400 spectrum and 2700 spectrum? and whats the name thats going to be labled on the box? for example - cfl so many watts 6400 spectrum.
  13. caper24

    A Few questions on lighting, pics included!!

    Newbud123, are these cfl lights? and did your use these and have luck with them?
  14. caper24

    First Grow - Short Rider

    Looking great man, congratss!! aha lots of usefull infomation to, im a firstimer myself starting a growbox in the shell of a dresser with the faces of each drawer nailed to a sheet of plywood and put on with hinges to make like a door. My only problem is right now and im hoping you can help me...
  15. caper24

    A Few questions on lighting, pics included!!

    But im running on a low budget also right and the cfl bulbs is the only bulbs that can fit that budget like i said it says all over this site about how good cfl light bulbs are, i would like to know what kind of cfl bulbs will i needd for my veg stage and what kind will i need for my flowering...
  16. caper24

    A Few questions on lighting, pics included!!

    alright i was jus wonderingg, im going with the cfls anyways, from what i heard someone on here told me they use blue 250w cfl for his small veg room and a red spectrum 250w cfl for his flower room, does anyone else think this is the best way to go, also what do you guys think on the aluminum?
  17. caper24

    A Few questions on lighting, pics included!!

    I was looking up some lighting gear on, and what i found seems intresting and id like to get anyones advice on these bulbs and also this mill aluminum for reflecting purposes... tell me what you thinkk !! Plilips Duramax Longlife 120Watt BR40 Indoor Floodlight, - Lasts up to 1-1/2...
  18. caper24

    Lighting and Soil for indoor growingg!! Advice needed!!

    what would be great if someone with the knowloedge can list everything i will need for a sucessfull grow also where i can buy these things and the prices, please and thank you very muchh!!
  19. caper24

    Lighting and Soil for indoor growingg!! Advice needed!!

    Thanks a ton you guyss, nd yeaa this helps a tonn. Ill ditch the tin foill for sure then nd get sum mylar. where can i get the rite nutrients and what kind and how muchh?
  20. caper24

    Lighting and Soil for indoor growingg!! Advice needed!!

    Hellooo felloww stonerss, i got a few questions here for you.. first off, me nd my brother plan to start growing, we have our grow space, we have out plans we got our seeds. now inorder to start, i wanna make sure we have all out equipment befour we start growing so we dunt end up losing my...