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  1. S

    today t5

    yes I do. but if you save some money go with the t5 ho. youll get a better yield
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    today t5

    That depends on ,how long your going to veg. they need there space to grow.
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    today t5

    My point is that, a high output t5 is 40000 lumens a few inches above the plants. You can still use the other kind to grow. Im just explaining the differance.
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    today t5

    Is it a home depot t5 or is it a high output t5?
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    Lebron "King" James vs. Kobe "Black Mamba" Bryant

    what has lebron accomplished? he went to the finals and got swept. Im not a miami fan I just call it like I see it. When dwade is healthy ,hes the best player in the world.
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    Lebron "King" James vs. Kobe "Black Mamba" Bryant

    I agree with that , Im just saying lebron hasnt even accomplished what dywane has .
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    Lebron "King" James vs. Kobe "Black Mamba" Bryant

    I dont think you can have this discussion with out having Dywane in it.
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    CFLs compared to T5lights

    that depends on what kind of t5 .are talking about home depot t5 or 40,000 lumens t5?
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    I herd eating pussy makes your facial hair grow, what u think???

    If that were true, I would look like teen
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    PLants stopped growin

    can u get some t5 home depot lights?
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    My plant pictures

    nl what kind of soil are u using?
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    Metale Halide

    these are some of the most two faced people I have ever heard of.
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    Metale Halide

    od your a jackass for even asking that .
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    Metale Halide

    first of all I'm 36 years old kid!!! I feel the same way but I'm not going to judge.thats my opinion and if you dont like welllllllllll fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Metale Halide

    if any of you guys need answers just let me know
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    Metale Halide

    posts do not measure your knowledge. it took you a year because you didnt know shit.
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    Metale Halide

    what i'm equating is criminal activity. what do I care, how someone gets their op going.thats none of my bussiness. this site is help answer you know how many people judge us and we're going to do it to someone else.
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    Metale Halide

    I bet your square ass is from
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    Metale Halide

    you guys are the ones showing that guy no respect.your an idiot for calling someone a noob. you have no idea what I know. I'm not on here asking questions. i'm just making a point, who are we to judge. how can any grower have that attitude you fucking geek.
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    Metale Halide

    because you have more posts on a site, you think your an expert . dude your a joke.