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  1. soseriousjeff

    Help please problem with leaves

    I would say carelessness with spilling nutes on the leaves isn't uncommon. In fact I have a plant with a spot or two on it. They are little round yellow spots, all the way through on both sides of the leaf. However I do see 'other' yellow spots, which means it could be something different. No...
  2. soseriousjeff


    I think with 1000w you would run into more expenses than you would with a smaller light, especially just for one plant. I definitely second changing the lighting schedule unless you are intentionally doing 12/12 from seed.
  3. soseriousjeff

    Help a Newbie?

    Go buy a bag of weed...
  4. soseriousjeff

    Help please problem with leaves

    Definitely get you a pH kit. They are like 10 bucks at the local shop. If you are using tap water (7.0ish pH), and soil.. you need to lower it so it is closer to 6.0pH Also what kind of soil are you using?
  5. soseriousjeff

    Several Issues on Several Plants

    I always thought 'feeding' was the same despite mediums. Then again I may have misread. I will have to look into some rooting formulas. Thanks asaph!
  6. soseriousjeff

    Several Issues on Several Plants

    I have spent the last two days, lowering it about .5-1.0 each time until the run out was the color I was looking for. I just want to make sure I am not missing anything.
  7. soseriousjeff

    Several Issues on Several Plants

    Hey guys, first I wanna say thanks for the help in advance. I have 8 Northern Lights seedlings. All started in RW cubes and moved to bigger cubes last week. (everything was soaked properly in advance) I had everything set up to leave town for 2 days, my partner taking care of business while I...
  8. soseriousjeff

    NL 1st Indoor Grow

    Thanks man, I have really be tossing the idea around. The only benefit to cooling the bulb.. Not having to worry about it later. Sometimes the cheap option isnt best. I'll keep the veg going for a while. They need to get bigger anyway. Thanks again bro
  9. soseriousjeff

    Dustep DNB ect-post Anything Good

    An hour of your life you wont regret. A local Dub artist, playing tomorrow night at Club Europe in St. Louis
  10. soseriousjeff

    NL 1st Indoor Grow

    I am actually working on a home made cool tube. And by that I mean I have put thought into making one vs just buying one (found some killer deals after spending all last night looking for them). I might just go with a little AC unit for the window for the time being. I know I will need tubes...
  11. soseriousjeff

    NL 1st Indoor Grow

    Thanks CB! I took the two that were flowering and introduced them to the 1000w hps last night. That thing puts off so much damn heat. I have it over 2 feet away just to keep the temps below 30C. Hopefully they stretched out over night.
  12. soseriousjeff

    Pistols from Birth?

    It's cool watching them grow. I can't wait until my seedlings get a bit bigger. Glad I had the opportunity that came my way. Gives me a one month jump start making sure that nothing goes wrong on my plants. I am currently writing down everything I do, every step of the way.
  13. soseriousjeff

    Questions about Autoflower

    I have some plants I just picked up (mystery bag seed and some 'dro' seeds from a friend who was suffocating them), two of which are showing sex since the move from out door to indoor. I have had them 6 days and they've been under constant light since. The first two days its was 18/6 but since I...
  14. soseriousjeff

    NL 1st Indoor Grow

    2... possibly 3 ladies as of today! I am at 6 days with the new plants. I have transplanted all of them; 6 of them are in crappy soil, and 3 are in something I can't remember the name of...:blsmoke: Any how I see that two are definitely female and a possible 3rd on the way. The smallest one I...
  15. soseriousjeff

    NL 1st Indoor Grow

    Two plants are showing sex. Pretty excited and confused. They are on 24/0... I assume just preflowers even at 6''. No worries. I moved the light up so I can get them to stretch a bit more. They are too small to start flowering.
  16. soseriousjeff

    Please Help! 2nd Week in Dwc Pots and Edges are Yellow and Burnt (Pics)

    Definitely needs better pics. Turn the light off and take some more.
  17. soseriousjeff

    Light Stress

    I keep my HPS about 14-18 away from my plants.
  18. soseriousjeff

    Need Help! Seed aren't Growing

    Most people say, form what I read, that light isn't necessary until they pop out of the top.
  19. soseriousjeff

    Need Help! Seed aren't Growing

    I recently tried 3 methods out of curiosity. Outside of just paper towel and plate. 1 shot glass with water, seeds in there and a coffee mug over top. (8 for 8 split, started, and sprouted) 1 double paper plate and plastic bag method (1 for 1) 1 soaked and flushed RW cube, no prep, seed...
  20. soseriousjeff

    NL 1st Indoor Grow

    Thanks man! I hope to clone the potential females and turn out some good stuff for sure. I'll keep an update once a week or so.