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  1. C


    big garden for that question .....
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    Who Makes the Best Digital Ballast?

    phantom for sure
  3. C

    Can I Smoke It Yet?

    not quite ....
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    1k 5x5 Grow Tent Cooling Problems

    window a/c and duct cold air in
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    Soil from Walmart?

    707 organics works for me.
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    Plants screwed up IN ONLY ONE NIGHT!

    did something happen to the roots while you where changing the water
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    My plant fell over!

    only time will tell
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    Co2 controller/ monitor....... which one?

    I have the ppm-4 it works great and does what i need kicks the bottle on if ppm drops below 1450ppm and kicks off when its 1500ppm in room
  9. C

    O that smell

    dry a lil longer imo
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    OMG! banana flavored weed! NEW SECRET STRAIN???

    I hope this is a joke....
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    humidity %decrease

    I think i read that good natural wood charcoal works , try putting some in a bag or box in the tent
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    CO2+ Grow tent+smell....can it be done? Need HELP!

    timers c02 0n fan off , c02 off fan on ect....
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    IM an idiot can some one give me advise on these bugs
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    Humidity is too Low

    how about a c02 set up?