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  1. HeavyHebrew

    coop gardens in washington can have 45 plants max and up to ten patients

    You are both right. Snohomish Regional Drug Task Force Localities working in cooperation. Funded mostly by the Federal government. Also, Snohomish county is a majority Republican stronghold, so figure that one out. Since the state punted the issue last legislative session, it then devolves...
  2. HeavyHebrew

    Something Called Epiphany

    I was given my medical card today in the great state of Washington. After my visit to the co-op I sat and realized, stoned of course, how good it is to see, slowly, the tide of ignorance begin to recede. Freedom for the plant, liberty for those who want marriage and a turning tide against...
  3. HeavyHebrew

    Add to my checklist please :)

    This plus as was said before, invest in a good pH tester.
  4. HeavyHebrew

    Am I doing this right?

    Moderation is the key to so many things, Dubbz0r. :) My big thing is since I will be adjusting pH at the mix in and not using an air stone for the 24 hour period would that be ok?
  5. HeavyHebrew

    Good Grow Room? (Pictures and Updates)

    Congratulations on your adventure. This thread was entertaining with its highs and lows and eventual arrival at nirvana! :bigjoint:
  6. HeavyHebrew

    Female Preflower

    Thanks for the heads up on stipules, manditroy. It's people like you helping us newbs that make this world a better place.
  7. HeavyHebrew

    Update:3 Weeks Flowering! ADVICE RATE AND COMMENT FIRST GROW(Pics Included)

    Nice grow, hope your yield is fruitful and stony! This what you are looking for?
  8. HeavyHebrew

    Am I doing this right?

    I figured a slow ramp up was necessary. was really informative but there are some gaps. The thing I like is the forgiving nature of organics and soilless.
  9. HeavyHebrew

    Stop these rat bastards! [BILDERBERG]

    No need to be hostile. You should be building relationships of friendship and trust in these rising times of darkness. Also, it is unwise to be antagonistic to those you are a stranger since that stranger may be the one with the answers you need. If you need a fight so badly, join a boxing gym.
  10. HeavyHebrew

    Having a Bad Day

    Suck it up and learn from it. Then you grow wise and your harvests will be fruitful. At least that's the way I figure it works. I wish I could share this brownie with ya and make it all better. :smile:
  11. HeavyHebrew

    Am I doing this right?

    I will be feeding my plants the full earth juice line up in a pro-mix bx + dolomite lime 3gal smart pot mix. I figure, from the conflicting information I can find, that I either feed lightly every time I water or use a waterx2 then feed schedule. I also would be mixing the EJ nutes in a gallon...
  12. HeavyHebrew

    Stop these rat bastards! [BILDERBERG]

    He is simply asking you to post this in the appropriate forum. He wasn't trying to be an authoritarian. And for the record, I detest the Bilderberg group.
  13. HeavyHebrew

    I just talked to the water department...

    I asked the water dpt. on the TDS ppm for the water and I got an answer. The water TDS is 40-45 milligrams per liter. Is this good, bad, irrelevant? thanks for any answers! :eyesmoke:
  14. HeavyHebrew

    Advice from a noob to other noobs

    Nice job on the OP theDudeNextDoor; new people can always use a heads up. Might I add that if you are paranoid about Google information sharing you can use a "scraper" like scroogle or if you use firefox the customizegoogle is a great extension.
  15. HeavyHebrew

    Soil-less Organics with Professor Matt Rize

    Mr. Matt Rize, For a beginner like myself, what is your opinion on un-modified premier pro-mix bx with the Earth Juice nutrient lineup (grow, bloom, catalyst, micro, etc) for a first grow? Would using dolomite lime be a good idea for ph balancing? Thanks in advance and may fortune smile upon you!
  16. HeavyHebrew

    New grower here; needing constructive criticism

    :mrgreen:Wow, so many quick replies, thanks. I have to go with something to cordon off an area for light control; the basement is a wide open, unfinished with concrete floor so why not a mylar like (something above 4 mil) to cordon it off? I miscommunicated about the film, it wasn't to line the...
  17. HeavyHebrew

    New grower here; needing constructive criticism

    Hello everyone at Rollitup, Being a stay@home Dad and a recreational toker, I decided to start growing my own. After lurking about and reading all the good information here, I decided to introduce myself so I can start getting advice and hopefully avoiding some rookie mistakes. I ordered...