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  1. J

    Arrrrrrg! Have to move my girls asap!

    Well, the good news is it looks like my daughter & SIL may be able to work things out after all and keep their family together. There's going to be a separation but they both want to work through it. That's great news for my grandboys. The bad news is before that was apparent I'd gotten so...
  2. J

    Arrrrrrg! Have to move my girls asap!

    Man I don't know anymore. This is all going to be very involved and my wife is freaking out. And I'm getting real paranoid about it too. I might just have to kill them shred them and spread them to the wind and wait a year or so when things cool down. If worse comes to worse & I have to do...
  3. J

    Arrrrrrg! Have to move my girls asap!

    This is a relief - sort of. Because this place is full of critters & insects. How can I protect them? Millions of grasshoppers will I have to wrap them in burlap? My wife has been growing her tomato plants all year in burlap and she was able to finally keep the grasshoppers away. Do grasshoppers...
  4. J

    Arrrrrrg! Have to move my girls asap!

    My future EX SIL will be getting served with papers possibly as soon as tomorrow. The creep had me fooled but our daughter finally couldn't put up with any more of his terribleness - I won't go into it - but he has chron's and so I was going to provide him with some oil once I harvested my...
  5. J

    Mekong High ,Bubba Kush,Skunk 11 430w Organic

    Yeah sure looks like it. Mine doesn't look nearly as healthy as yours though. I still haven't put mine into flowering and they were planted as seedlings June 12th. I need to put up some pics to see what y'all think of them. Right now typing one-handed & in major pain so it'll have to wait. Sure...
  6. J

    1st time grow - have I killed my girl?

    Any clue anyone? Do the leaves tell us anything? Maybe I need to show some close-ups, but the ends look burnt and some of them have brown spots. I haven't been giving them too much nuts based on my understanding of how much they should get.
  7. J

    1st time grow - have I killed my girl?

    I'm using well water most of the time (sometimes we buy distilled for the plants). The light appears pink because . . . . . re-read the thread you should know why brother . . . . . but to give you the quick answer that's the shine of the LED which is mostly red and some blue. I'm trying to give...
  8. J

    1st time grow - have I killed my girl?

    I thought this thread was done for a while but my leaves are "doing things". I'll just post the pics and hopefully you experienced growers can see what's going on. I know you will have questions but I want to hear them before I try to offer what I think might be the necessary information.
  9. J

    1st time grow - have I killed my girl?

    Hi Hank. I don't follow you - "planting in the same bucket". I transplanted her out of a smartpot which was the one gallon size, and into a 5 gallon bucket. I removed her from the smartpot, losing as little of her dirtball as possible (and did a swell job actually) and sat her on top of new...
  10. J

    1st time grow - have I killed my girl?

    The MH & LED are about 12" from the mekong, further from the others although I have just put the others on top of upside-down containers to get then closer to the lights. The cfl's are beside for undergrowth and a few inches away. I move the cfl's daily. How much more light do I need?
  11. J

    1st time grow - have I killed my girl?

    I'm using a 400W MH, a 240w Blackstar LED with 3 watt Cree LED's, and 4 ALZO full spectrum 45W CFL 5500K 91 CRI grow lights. I only have a 3-sided tent so I wonder if that makes a big difference?
  12. J

    1st time grow - have I killed my girl?

    You weren't exaggerating - this was less than an hour after watering. :cool: .
  13. J

    1st time grow - have I killed my girl?

    I had an aha! moment when I read this. When I transplanted her from the one gallon smartpot, I just sat the whole ball right on top of the new soil, so her roots are not yet long enough to reach the watered soil on the bottom. I'm going to do a top-down watering right now. I feel very stupid...
  14. J

    1st time grow - have I killed my girl?

    The tallest one is a Mekong High. She was doing alright until I transplanted her from a one gallog smartpot a couple days ago, into the 5 gallon you see her in now. She was bone dry so when I put her in the new 5 gallon full of Foxfarm Ocean Forest, I added about a gallon of water into the...
  15. J

    Have my girls become boys!?!?

    Okay thanks, but how can you tell?
  16. J

    Have my girls become boys!?!?

    My eyesight sucks worse than my hearing & that's saying a lot. Yeah yeah I should get glasses. Had them. Hate them. But moving on . . . . it looks like to me my fem mekong high and fem cannatonic are boys. This is my first grow so I don't really know squat. They were planted June 8th. Please...
  17. J

    Outdoor Summer Grow In Texas?

    I missed your post completely. Thanks for the advice, you sound like you've done it before. From your experience are there certain species you wouldn't grow outside? Also, the other thing I was concerned about was the amount of light they get during veg. My handbook says they shouldn't have more...
  18. J

    Outdoor Summer Grow In Texas?

    Me too. I've just been keeping mine inside. We've been between 103 - 107 virtually everyday. We hit 109 once. It doesn't bother me at all I'm a native. But I didn't want to take a chance with the girls. The one I wanted most to grow outside is a Mekong High which I've read can reach 15 feet + -...
  19. J

    What is this a sympton of?

    I pulled the lights up to 18" yesterday and this a.m. the middle layer is still curled in. Can't be too much nuts damk, as stated they curled before I added the first round of nuts and it was 1/2 strength. Room temp stays 77°. Just did a ph test - I only have the cheapo rapitest capsule...
  20. J

    What is this a sympton of?

    The top leaves are flat again this a.m., but now the middle layer of leaves are curled in exactly like the tops were. But she grew half an inch overnight!