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  1. B

    Possible Heat/Light Stress

    Great! I was hoping it might just be transplant shock, but better to be safe than sorry! I've checked for insects but found none except the predatory mites like oribatid in the soil, which don't harm the plant. I'll feed as you suggest and believe they'll be fine! Thanks!
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    Possible Heat/Light Stress

    I transplanted them about a week or so ago, so maybe? Are you talking about actual bugs, like insects?
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    Possible Heat/Light Stress

    Right now, I've got this pic of the plant most affected. I'll post one of the room ASAP.
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    Possible Heat/Light Stress

    Do you have any idea as to what nutrient deficiency this might be? I've tried to cover all the bases and how this is displaying itself is confusing me, as it seems to be at random locations on the plants. Thanks!
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    Possible Heat/Light Stress

    I do not have a direct thermometer in the room(I know, just have not gotten around to getting one yet), but the handheld usually reads somewhere in the mid to upper 80's(F) when i do check. Deficiency of what? I will try raising the lamps and see how they adjust to that. They were slightly...
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    Possible Heat/Light Stress

    I am having a problem with my plants and am not sure what is going on. Here are a few of my specs: Roots Organics "Aurora" line (grow/catalyst) super soil worm castings guano AACT's teas Here are a couple pics to see what the problem is. They're yellowing more and more. Thanks for any insight.
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    Do we have any metalheads here?

    Ive lately been getting into the djent scene (I know its typically frowned upon by "'trv00' metalheads, but here it goes in no order: Mayhem Nile The Contortionist(love what these guys are doing) Reflections Decapitated Gorgoroth Darkthrone Shining Endstille Behemoth Hate Eternal Electric...
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    Reddish spots on leaves-Any Help?

    How come the spots only are really showing up on the plants I have re-potted though? If it was a def., wouldn't the rest of my girls be showing the same symptoms?
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    Reddish spots on leaves-Any Help?

    I knew that the FFOF had nutes when I was adding it to the plant, I just had no other choice. It was either that or nothing at the time. Now I paying for it. I also had to re-pot ANOTHER plant, one of my Chrystal's, and now her leaves are looking worse than ever with the spots and marks. I...
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    Reddish spots on leaves-Any Help?

    Will salt buildup appear as a white/yellowish "buildup" where the drainage holes of the pot are? Vague question, but someone should know what Im talking about.
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    Reddish spots on leaves-Any Help?

    So if its a nutrient lockout and I have to flush, do I wait until her soil drys out again (which would take at least 3 days for her to), or can I flush regardless? I'd like to know, because if so I will then flush all of my plants(regardless of how wet/dry the soil is), as I am starting to see...
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    Reddish spots on leaves-Any Help?

    The roots were growing out of the bottom of the pot entirely; the pot it is in the pictures IS the pot I re-potted her into.
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    Reddish spots on leaves-Any Help?

    The water is a PH of 6.4, in other words...Chlorine and chemical free.
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    Reddish spots on leaves-Any Help?

    Anyone have any ideas? (*subtle bump*) :bigjoint:
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    Reddish spots on leaves-Any Help?

    This is a Pineapple Chunk in the fourth week of flowering. The spots started on one fan leaf a few weeks ago and now they are spreading. From what I've seen online, it looks like calcium deficiency, but I can't say for sure. When the plant was just into its second week of flowering, the...
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    Plants holding fan leaves 'straight up'?

    What is the reason plants do this sometimes during flowering? It seems they tend to do this to show light on their mid-lower budsites, as that is the only pattern I have seen with this behavior. Any ideas?
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    Fan leaves "crossing" Any ideas?

    Sorry man, I know. My phone decided to fuck me over and upload that picture for some reason with my post. I do not have a camera that can take pictures though atm.
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    Fan leaves "crossing" Any ideas?

    Hello RIUI have a couple ladies whos fan leaves seem to be crossing over eachother(the leaflets on the side of each fan leaf is crossing over the middle leaflet, if that makes any sense.). I have looked online and could not find anything similar to what I have. I vegged them for 3 weeks under a...
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    Bud Size stages

    Id like to see pictures of these girls outdoors.
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    Is it better to grow regular or feminized?

    Do you guys think Id be safe with Nirvana's seeds?