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    Yellow/White Spots on leaves; Wilting Plant: I need some advice RIU

    Well guys, I chopped that Sativa down just a moment ago, as I noticed that there was quite a few flowers and pollen sacks begining to develope :-o But thanks for the advice about the nutes, Im sure it will help me in the near-future.
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    Will I be dissapointed with the results of growing with a T5/CFL setup?

    I am going to purchase a T5 light setup that can hold 8 four-foot long bulbs. I will be growing 6-7 plants. For flowering, I will use 3000K bulbs, and 6500K for vegging. I will also use around six 2700K 42W CFLs to help with light penetrating the canopy. Do you guys think this setup will give...
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    Could Someone help me identify whether or not this is a male?

    Hello! (If I posted this in the wrong topic, would a mod please move it into the appropriate section) I am pretty sure this plant is a male, but I want to get your guy's input: Are these pre-flowers or is it my imagination? Its about a week since I started 12/12, and I have other plants...
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    Yellow/White Spots on leaves; Wilting Plant: I need some advice RIU

    Thanks for the advice Clarion, Im going to make a trip to a flowershop and looke for some nutes today.
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    Yellow/White Spots on leaves; Wilting Plant: I need some advice RIU

    Greetings! This is my first grow: -CFL's -Soil(Using a mixture of Normal black dirt with fertillizer and cactus soil) -They are on their first week of flowering(About 4 weeks old total) -I am not using any nutes -Humidity is usually between 55-60% -Temps are around 80 degrees F(On hot days)...
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    Any Metal Heads Unite

    Mayhem, Endstille, Nile, Hate Eternal, Devourment, Dying Fetus, SunnO))), Arcturus, Darkthrone, Dark Funeral, Dimmu Borgir, Meshuggah etc. I love metal.
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    User Name

    How can I change my user name? Thanks!
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    First Grow-Using limited number of CFLs

    Hello! First grow, and I used three CFL's for the first week for 10 plants. Due to limited money, I could only afford to purchase more 26W(100W output) lights. I now have four 42W, five 26W, and one 18W CFLs, plus a 3000K fluroesent light. Since I was growing ten plants, I was suprised by the...
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    Anyone tried world of seeds ?

    I have two seeds from them; Afghan kush Ryder and New York 47(came free) I have yet to start growing them, but I can say that they arrived to my place just fine.
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    Anyone tried world of seeds ?

    I have two seeds from them; Afghan kush Ryder and New York 47(came free) I have yet to start growing them, but I can say that they arrived to my place just fine.
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    My plant seems to be holding its leaves in a funny way, any ideas?

    Hello fellow forum members! This is my first grow, and here are some quick specs: -CFL's for lighting(I will be getting a T5 setup soon) -Soil(Mixture of regular "Sta-Green" soil and cactus soil for good drainage) -I have not started any nutes(Soil has a fair amount of nutes in it already)...
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    Need help identifying sex of plants(First Grow)

    Thanks for the replies! The help really means alot to me. I had a feeling it was too early to tell, but I just wanted to make sure. Where exactly will I see the pistils and "balls" of the plants develop on the plant? I have looked online, but I could not find a solid answer.
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    Need help identifying sex of plants(First Grow)

    Greetings! This is my first grow(Unknown strain), and I put my plants on a 12/12 schedule three days ago today. I have been more nervous about determining the sex of the plants than anything else since I planted 'em, and I am wondering if what I am seeing on a majority of the plants is signs of...
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    Plants leaves are yellowing; Stems turning purple and drooping leaves

    Hello! My first grow, Setup: -CFL grow -Using seed started and cactus soil(Good draining soil) -Plants are 2 and a half weeks old -Unknown strain -Light schedule is 18/6 -No nutes I noticed that the shade leaves on one of my plants are turning yellow, and the stem on that particular...
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    Too much streching?

    Thanks for the replies! I will LST some of these plants later today, as well as re-pot them.
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    Is it possible for the plant to show its sex during vegging?

    Thanks for the replies! I think I was reading way too much into these plants last night...:eyesmoke:
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    One leaf curing under?

    I'm using CFL's right now(going to be upgrading to T5's soon). The temp is about 80 degrees F, with between 50-60% humidity. Soil is a mixture of seed starter and cactus soil(good drainage). I am not using any nutes right now. Just whats in the soil, and purified water. I know these plants...
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    One leaf curing under?

    I'm using CFL's right now(going to be upgrading to T5's soon). The temp is about 80 degrees F, with between 50-60% humidity. Soil is a mixture of seed starter and cactus soil(good drainage). I am not using any nutes right now. Just whats in the soil, and purified water. I know these plants need...
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    Are these leaves looking unhealthy?

    Thanks for the replies. I believe the pot is too small d For the plant, and I am fixing that problem today. The soil is a mixture of seed starter and cactus soil(good draining soil). I am not using any nutes. Will this be a problem?
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    Too much streching?

    Hello! This is my first grow(I might be worrying too much), but is it possible for the plant to stretch too much? This plant is just over 2 weeks old.