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  1. B

    Is it better to grow regular or feminized?

    Hello RIU. I am going to be growing 12 plants soon, and I am wondering if it is safer to use regular seeds than feminized? By safer, I mean less(or none) chance of a hermie appearing in mid-flowering and getting my girls seeded (Assuming that light leaks and major stress will not be a factor...
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    Does anyone have any information on Everyonedoesit?

    I know a thread has already been made about this site somewhere, but I would like to here some up-to date reviews on this place before I drop $100 on some seeds. I live in the USA What does anyone have to say about them? Thanks for reading!
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    Bigger Buds

    I have heard of this there any truth to it?
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    4 weeks into flowering-Just starting to get pistils?

    I never said that I entered the room during their darkperiod...? Thank you for the reply though.
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    4 weeks into flowering-Just starting to get pistils?

    Actually, the type of bulb does matter. If I was flowering with a 400W metal halide(which is the blue spectrum, used for vegging), I wouldn't see nearly as good of results come harvest compared to the red spectrum(2050K) HPS. Same goes with the CFLs.
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    4 weeks into flowering-Just starting to get pistils?

    I was using 2700K red spectrum CFLs. Plus my other girls already are developing their colas and lower budsites just fine, even when I was using CFLs.
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    4 weeks into flowering-Just starting to get pistils?

    This is not really a problem, as I am just curious to know why. This particular plant grew very large and bushy, with no topping or LSTing whatsoever. I had it growing under CFLs up until recently(switched to 400W HPS). What could be the reason that this plant is taking so long to flower?
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    Power lost, will plants be okay?

    Hello RIU I have some severe storms heading my way, and I am wondering if I loose power, will my plants be okay with the interrupted light period? They are just over 4 weeks into flowering.
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    Top leaves curling upwards

    Its about 13-14 inches, and I do not have much room to raise the light any further. Is it possible for this to subside? Or will it only get worse?
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    Top leaves curling upwards

    Greetings RIU, I have a girl who is about 4 weeks into flowering, and I recently switched to a 400W HPS a couple days ago from CFL's. I noticed that her top leaves are curling up and I was wondering what could be the issue. At first I thought it was heat stress, but I have a fan pointed...
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    First Grow-Using limited number of CFLs

    This is their first day under the HPS, so hopefully I will be harvesting more than popcorn-size colas now that it is no longer a strictly CFL grow. I cannot wait until next grow, where it will be Aurora Indica and pure New York City Diesel instead of bagseed. :eyesmoke:
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    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    I am ordering these seeds today, and I hope my girls turn out as nice as yours did! This will be my second grow as well. Very nice plants, WAsmoker!
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    Would this fan be powerful enough to pull air through a carbon filter?

    Greetings RIU I am attempting to build a DIY carbon scrubber/ventilation setup, and I am wondering if this idea would work: (Sorry if links are not allowed!) Taking apart this fan: And...
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    Could Fox Farm's Big Bloom cause this? Leaves curling/edges are turning light brown

    HPS/MH will be arriving in August. I will be using Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil for the next grow, Metal Halide for vegging, High Pressure Sodium for flowering as well as a few well placed CFL's, and only minimal organic nutrients. This will be a good setup, correct? This first grow has turned...
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    Could Fox Farm's Big Bloom cause this? Leaves curling/edges are turning light brown

    What do you think is causing the nitrogen overload? My soil is a mix of plain black dirt, cactus soil, and some sand. I only have used Big Bloom. Nothing else.
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    Could Fox Farm's Big Bloom cause this? Leaves curling/edges are turning light brown

    So the two feedings I have done at half strength gave my plants too much nitrogen? I thought it would more than that to cause nutrient burn when only using Big Bloom. I flushed the soil last night for the first time, but about a tablespoon of Big Bloom was added to the second gallon of water...
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    Could Fox Farm's Big Bloom cause this? Leaves curling/edges are turning light brown

    2 tablespoons. I flushed all my plants with a gallon of purified water with the correct PH and a tablespoon of Epsom salts, then with a gallon of purified water with a only a cap-full of Big Bloom(per gallon, its about one tablespoon or a little less).
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    Could Fox Farm's Big Bloom cause this? Leaves curling/edges are turning light brown

    I have only given them the Big Bloom, and only for one feeding so far. The soil is a mixture of cactus soil and plain black dirt.
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    Could Fox Farm's Big Bloom cause this? Leaves curling/edges are turning light brown

    I really appreciate your knowledge and experience and will roll with it. I worried about nute burn before I ever fed them and I tried to be logical about the feeding so I cut the recommended amount of nutes in half to make sure they wouldn't have an adverse effect on the plants. I am wondering...