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  1. MarieJN88

    3 Lemon Kush Plants, under CFL (First Indoor Grow)

    Update: My plants at day 41
  2. MarieJN88

    Yellowing on both ends...

    I had the same problem with my plants, without adding any nutrients.. What are you groin in?
  3. MarieJN88

    Yellowing on both ends...

    I think it's nute burn.
  4. MarieJN88

    How can I kill these bugs?

    I found these bugs on my flowering plant last week, I removed some of them, do i have to spray it with something? and do I need to flush it or do something before Harvesting?
  5. MarieJN88

    My Grow Box

    The box should be completely closed from the front side, with just the 2 holes in the bottom and I want to remove the fan in the front (intake fan) and close the hole.. so 2 passive intakes and 2 fans to take the air out.. Is it good? or should i use only 1 passive intake? That's a good idea to...
  6. MarieJN88

    My Grow Box

    The temperature in my grow box is too high between (29-33) Degrees Celsius, any advice?
  7. MarieJN88

    My Grow Box

    This is the front of my box (it should be closed with the reflector material just let the three holes opened to enter fresh air, 2 passive intake in the bottom and PC fan 35cfm to enter air in the middle of the box): This is the side of my box: This is the back of my box (with 2 PC fans to...
  8. MarieJN88

    New Amsterdam tourists ban news

    They can't make that happen, Amsterdam known by its sex museums and coffee shops.. If that happen they will loose a lot of tourists and it will be no mans land.. Am happy I was there last year :D Hope they didn't make it and visit it another time soon
  9. MarieJN88

    3 Lemon Kush Plants, under CFL (First Indoor Grow)

    Update: My plants at day 22 Whats wrong with my plants? Yellowing leaves. they are 22 days and the small one is not the growing like the 2 others, and the big one is turning yellow.. :sad:
  10. MarieJN88

    Question about ventilation and fans

    The temperature in my box is above 30 degree Celsius, i have 2 outake fans and 1 intake.. how can i resolve it?
  11. MarieJN88

    Harvesting my first outdoor growing :D

    i dry it for 3 days, then put my buds in a jam but they still dnt have smell of marijuana if u smell the buds.. any ideas? about curing and drying?
  12. MarieJN88

    Harvesting my first outdoor growing :D

    I don't know the stain, I got the seeds from the weed i bought, it taste and smell like barbecue
  13. MarieJN88

    Harvesting my first outdoor growing :D

    I harvest my plant today cause it start raining and I think its done, what do you think? Whats the best method for drying and curing? I put it in a box with 2 small holes for ventilation to go through the box.. Thanks :weed:
  14. MarieJN88

    3 Lemon Kush Plants, under CFL (First Indoor Grow)

    Update: My plants at day 12 :-o
  15. MarieJN88

    Question about ventilation and fans

    I didn't close my box yet coz i still need to add more lights and fix my fans before.. So now I have 2 fans of this maybe i could use them to exhaust more air from my box one on each side to take the heat of the bulbs with 2 passives intake opposite to them on the bottom of the box.
  16. MarieJN88

    Homemade EZ cloner not working

    can u share the design you used to build it and some pics of yours.
  17. MarieJN88

    Question about ventilation and fans

    to a small window taking to the ventilation shaft.. and 35cfm is it enough?
  18. MarieJN88

    3 Lemon Kush Plants, under CFL (First Indoor Grow)

    Update: My plants at day 10
  19. MarieJN88

    Is it ready?! my first outdoor grow..

    2 plants, different strain, I think the one with white pistils is Lemon Kush.. How many time they still need?
  20. MarieJN88

    Question about ventilation and fans

    This is my grow box, still under construction.. (Length: 90cm x Width: 60cm x Height: 75cm = 0.41 cubic meter) My question is does this 30/35CFM fan enough for outake? THX