My Grow Box


Active Member
This is the front of my box (it should be closed with the reflector material just let the three holes opened to enter fresh air, 2 passive intake in the bottom and PC fan 35cfm to enter air in the middle of the box):

This is the side of my box:

This is the back of my box (with 2 PC fans to take the hot air from the box each fan 35cfm)

This is the inside of my box:


I don't understand. Is the front of the box always like that? Because if it is, those fans aren't going to do anything at all. You need to seal up every side of it. The back needs to be sealed up better, no open spaces or gaps. You don't need two giant holes in the bottom of the front, just put one in front of the fan so that the cold air comes over that area first when you create a pressure imbalance. Lowering the lights and the plants might also help to keep the canopy cool, as of right now they're sitting in the hottest part of the box. It's better to let the hot air rise up and away from them instead of trapping them in it. Better than fans on the front and back would be fans in the top, pulling the hot air directly away from the lights.


Active Member
The box should be completely closed from the front side, with just the 2 holes in the bottom and I want to remove the fan in the front (intake fan) and close the hole.. so 2 passive intakes and 2 fans to take the air out.. Is it good? or should i use only 1 passive intake?
That's a good idea to move the light down to the plants, ill try it..
And about to put my fans on top of my lights I cant cause i want to put my box somewhere with only 5 cm above the box.

Thanks dude