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  1. G

    how do they look?????

    dude...that is a kitchen herb for sure.... I never have tried to smoke basil....maybe I'm missing out on something...... sooo...what are basil seeds doing in your 8th baggies....... I think you have a roomate that is fucking with you....!
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    My Tent grow... The Next Generation (my second attempt)

    additional pic also put a dose of soil-blast... (its like a "sam's choice" of voodoo juice.....
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    My Tent grow... The Next Generation (my second attempt)

    Went STAT on the new pots as the elders have spoken!
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    My Tent grow... The Next Generation (my second attempt)

    Okay... i posted on here a couple days ago and was very humbled by the reviews of some of the more advanced growers! (they had good advice!) Well....... here is the Next Generation.... I have my HerbIQ software all loaded up and current. these girly seeds were adopted from attitude seed bank...
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    Uploading Photos to websites of your grow

    hey ru..... i just put my cheese into it smells good...but the little fucker is potent..... i saw that you did some lemon you have any cheap ways to keep the smell down in a tent environment?
  6. G

    Uploading Photos to websites of your grow

    Yea you probably right....They are not going to hire a forensics team to come after my 2 plants I have for personal anxiety relief..... but it makes me feel better being a little secure... I take fish oil pills that are good for my heart....i'm 29.... chances are slim that i'll have a coronary...
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    Uploading Photos to websites of your grow

    i takes me a whole 10 seconds to clean the meta data from my directory of photos...... i just do little things to give me that good 'ol fuzzy feeling like: Don't ship Grow equipment to your house address (especially seeds) Use a different anony email for all your growing...
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    Uploading Photos to websites of your grow

    I'm pretty sure the strips this metadata from your files....but not all websites have to do that....send me a regular jpg straight from your phone and i will tell you all this info...
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    Uploading Photos to websites of your grow

    I was messing with my new grow software...uploading photos and etc to it...and I noticed that my JPG photos contained all sorts of information including, owner, when the photo was taken, equipment type, GPS coordinates(scary one!). I found a free tool that strips this info from your digital...
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    Seed exchange?

    That's a bummer..... There has to be an external site for something like this..... i get a little creeped out everytime i buy seeds from europe and it has to go through all the customs and come in here in a weird looking would be nice if we could find someone to drop one in a 40...
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    Want to share grow management software link

    A member here let me in on a freeware program called HERBIQ.... very cool...i'm sure alot of people probably have already heard of it....but I thought i might post it in here.. this would have made my first grow alot more organized if I had stayed on track with something like this...... now...
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    First Time Grow....Does my bud look big in these tents?

    thanks HelmNick! this HerbIQ program is the shiznit! I think everyone should take a look at this open source program...
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    First Time Grow....Does my bud look big in these tents?

    I was reading up on bubble hash....this stuff looks pretty good..... i wonder why it's not more popular...
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    First Time Grow....Does my bud look big in these tents?

    yea and the pics are witha shitty camera it looks worse than what it is.... (not saying it is anywhere near good thought!!)
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    First Time Grow....Does my bud look big in these tents?

    I think my main culprit is the heat...... i have two fans pushing in fresh air from the bottom and a small carbon filter at the's a pretty cheap rig and a can combo system is in order...... it prob averages 35-36 degrees in there during the light cycle......which I know understand is...
  16. G

    First Time Grow....Does my bud look big in these tents?

    btw way..i have since ordered from attitude --barney's farm......tangerine dream, cheese, and silver..... these little guys are starting off sooooo much better than any of the product ever have.... but it cost a good bit more!
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    First Time Grow....Does my bud look big in these tents?

    here is the home of this seed: cs027 Northern Light £35 10.00 In / Out
  18. G

    First Time Grow....Does my bud look big in these tents?

    Well....this plant started out in a pretty shitty was the only survivor from a purchase......well it was a clone from a failed attempt.... it wasn't till about a month or two ago that I realized I needed all this stuff...grow tent, hps light, higher crade and...
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    First Time Grow....Does my bud look big in these tents?

    Hey I am flowering my first grow in my tent.... It is a northern lights foxfarm ocean soil grow. using flora nova bloom / av-big bug and bud candy with weekly foilar kelp spray w/ wetting agent. Lights are a mixture of HPS 150, CFL warm about 300 watts worth....and about 50 watts of led.... I...
  20. G

    is it me or are there others

    Get a environmental safety test done, if you can.... it's probably nothing....but it would never hurt to check for harmful mold/fungus/etc .... could save you and a bunch of other people a batch of mystery diagnosis quest!