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  1. drastic1

    Keeping My Plants Warm During Sleep Cycle

    round 65-70degrees when lights off, 80 degrees when lights on.
  2. drastic1

    Keeping My Plants Warm During Sleep Cycle

    hey peeps, I have two ladies under a 400 watt, both in a soil medium. I was wondering how i can keep the temp warm around 75-80 during its sleep cycle??? Its in the middle of winter here and im finding it hard to keep the temp consistant, ive tried using a small low power heater from a distance...
  3. drastic1

    KonaGirl420 1st Grow All By Myself

    hoo sistah, beautiful wahines u have there!! i use to live in captain cook, my mate stil lives there!! love the big island!!! keep it up an irie!!
  4. drastic1

    my first basic grow room!! tell me what you guys think?? mahalo

    for sure bigjay, post some pics up so i can have take a look. but yeah, i have a pretty simple setup, would luv to give you some feedback on what has been working for me.. Cheers
  5. drastic1

    my first basic grow room!! tell me what you guys think?? mahalo

    moved the light down a few links, so far they are loving it! cheers for the advice!
  6. drastic1

    my first basic grow room!! tell me what you guys think?? mahalo

    Howzit peeps!!! Jus some updated photos of my two fine wahines(ladies) As you can see, there has been alot of positve progress with these 2! They both are looking pretty happy and healthy as of now! I have adjusted the Co2 candle, so that it is above both plants. You can see the candle held in a...
  7. drastic1 and Settings\Emery Jessica\My Documents\My Pictures and Settings\Emery Jessica\My Documents\My Pictures
  8. drastic1

    my first basic grow room!! tell me what you guys think?? mahalo

    oh yeah, since CO2 is heavier than Oxygen, make sure you have your candle above the plants giving them maximum benefit!! cheers
  9. drastic1

    my first basic grow room!! tell me what you guys think?? mahalo

    yeah, its a candle that dispenses co2 when lit. There is a photo of it above next to the tiki candle. Ive also read that candles give off co2 as well but at a small rate. Sometimes il light both at the same time, just cause the both candles also give the room warmth. Cheers
  10. drastic1

    my first basic grow room!! tell me what you guys think?? mahalo

    thanks for the tips, i might move the light a link or two lower, but i mist the plants every now and then, just alittle weary of the mist making contact with the light. I forgot to mention that im using a Co2 candle that i light during the day time hours for bout 30-40mins with 1-2hour...
  11. drastic1

    How often do i water

    hahahaha thats classic
  12. drastic1

    does a plant need a fan on it when sleeping??

    ive set my fan on a timer to similate summer breezes! so far so good! cheers
  13. drastic1

    my first basic grow room!! tell me what you guys think?? mahalo

    Hey guys an gals, just started up my first grow room closet style in a soil medium, using 1 400w high pressure sodium 12/12, 2 plants, 2 fans for ventilation. I been feeding em wit earth juice, & bloom. The temp in my room is roughly between 75-80 degrees through out light & sleep cycle, is this...