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  1. R

    Low cost SoG setup?

    Are you for real?. Smoke an Oz a week but have no money?. Get a grip pal!. You need a priority check sunshine. Another of lifes' scrotes, got nothing to put up but smoke an Oz a week??? Give yourself a shake pal, look at your life, reason with yourself, and move forward with your own efforts!
  2. R

    Using a big Res for NFT?

    Hi all I have four NFT trays, 3 x 4ft and 1 x 5ft. Can I use one res for mixing and then filling, as opposed to filling a bucket and mixing for each one?. I propose mixing a solution once and then filling each reservoir individually from that one solution. If I check the solution daily, how long...
  3. R

    Which is preferred in a Flood and drain system...??

    A quick flood and a longer drain, or a long flood and a quick drain?. I will be using a reservoir a few feet away from my trays and will need to pump the water back on the drain cycle, so the preferred choice will be the basis of my pump choice. I would prefer to go with a 12 volt caravan waste...