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  1. DankGrower

    Querkle Meets Jack Herer

    A couple more Jacks
  2. DankGrower

    Querkle Meets Jack Herer

    A long time Lurker here on RIU I would like to share a few of the things I am growing. I would also like to keep this as a bit of a history page. I am a grower with a lot more theory than practice I have only a couple of grows under my belt I always welcome helpful comments and suggestions but...
  3. DankGrower

    The argueing needs to stop

    You dont use facts you use your personal opinions and you feel free to change words all the time as well as your stance on issues to fit your personal idea of the day Please do us all a favor and stop posting anything and everything. Anyone educated by you will end up in a prison cell for the...
  4. DankGrower

    Who voted in this law?

    I hope with all my heart this is a lie because if you are the voice of medical marijuana in Michigan we are gonna have real problems coming our way. I haven't seen any evidence you even understand the clear and simple language of the laws your talking about.
  5. DankGrower

    How much protection do you think the new rulings give us?

    Thats cool if you want to think it im all done debating with people who refuse to read the law as written not as you want it to read. I normally say nothing in forums and laugh and lurk. Back to lurking I hope you never have to present that defense in court it wont hold water even in the MSC ...
  6. DankGrower

    How much protection do you think the new rulings give us?

    NO it says to whom he or she is connected through the department's registration process with the medical use of marihuana in accordance with this act. they must be connected as the law says
  7. DankGrower

    How much protection do you think the new rulings give us?

    I see this one was missing also. The law says and I quote MCL 333.26430 of Initiated Law 1 of 2008 (j) A registry identification card, or its equivalent, that is issued under the laws of another state, district, territory, commonwealth, or insular possession of the United States that...
  8. DankGrower

    How much protection do you think the new rulings give us?

    Since you were not able to look this up yourself I will help. 333.26424 Qualifying patient or primary caregiver; arrest, prosecution, or penalty prohibited; conditions; presumption; compensation; physician subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty prohibited; marihuana paraphernalia...
  9. DankGrower

    Farmer's market may have troubles...

    your making up information to support an erroneous thought process record numbers of young people registered to vote but they did not show up on election day according to the states final voting numbers we had the lowest turn out in over 20 years of voters under 25. Do you feel the only...
  10. DankGrower

    The argueing needs to stop

    It should only take about 2 weeks for all the intelligent folks to leave if you actually try to enforce things in this manner. When ever you allow people to talk about a topic of any kind you will get differing view points and this will sometimes cause heated debates. If you have people who...
  11. DankGrower

    Who voted in this law?

    I never said you couldn't get a card. I said its my personal opinion most people would prefer not to do business with the "chop docs" I personally choose to visit one of these less than ideal doctors because I am not currently in a place in my life were I can afford to have new tests done to...
  12. DankGrower

    Who voted in this law?

    According to the voting data provided by the State of Michigan Registration of voters 18-25 was at an all time high. However voter turn out at the polls was the lowest it has been in michigan since 1988. So nope it had very little to do with young people. However in the over 55 group voter...
  13. DankGrower

    Who voted in this law?

    7,470,764 registered for 2008 elections if you really want count.9,946,900 would be adult population. however only we each have a choice to register to vote or not. Choosing not register means your not willing to vote for anything. Of the registered voters only 5,039,080 showed up to vote...
  14. DankGrower

    How much protection do you think the new rulings give us?

    I bet that would have a lot to do with if you had the respect to put a Bandana over your face and wear sunglasses when the news crews came to interview you about your cutting edge delivery service and the hardships "The Man" was trying to put on you for being so flagrant.
  15. DankGrower

    Who voted in this law?

    Out of the 10 million or so Michiganders how many do you really think have chronic and debilitating illnesses ? Our law currently excludes a large part of the conditions which would really benefit from MMJ. Be that as it is this is Medical Marijuana NOT everyone gets a free weed card how many...
  16. DankGrower

    How much protection do you think the new rulings give us?

    Well Bob from what I have read in the newest bill our law makers are currently reviewing putting the Cannabis leaf, flower, seed or any representation of the plant in any fashion on your signage would get you a heavy fine 500-2500 dollars ( amounts were not defined in all sections but I do...
  17. DankGrower

    How much protection do you think the new rulings give us?

    Yes according to the law that I read you can have your delivery service so long as it only delivers to Patients you are the named care giver for under the MMMJ program. The rest of the idea would be illegal or at least as of yet undefined and would likely come under heavy fire quite quickly
  18. DankGrower

    Who voted in this law?

    The break down was out of 9,946,900 ish adults in Michigan at the time of voting 3,006,820 said yes and 1,790,889 said no. So really less than 1/3 of the states population was actually willing to vote for MMJ
  19. DankGrower

    How much protection do you think the new rulings give us?

    What law are you reading. The one I voted for in Michigan was pretty vague and wide open lacking definition and leaving nothing but room for interpretation to be spun or added via the standard law amending practices which do not require a vote of the general public. I am glad the courts have...
  20. DankGrower

    See this yet? "Pharmaceutical Grade Cannabis"

    After a conversation via email with my state representative you sum it up pretty well. This bill is our first step toward the michigan program being copied from the Colorado system I would expect soon here after you will see a bill allowing caregivers and patients to sell overage to these...