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  1. C

    Noob accepting grow room design advice

    Forgot all about updating this thread. here it goes. I've finished my flower chamber and It is running w/7 bagseed that were vegged and trained for 8 weeks. My lights on temp is 81.5-83 F with the light off temp currently around 73-75. However winter is coming and I'll probably have to put a...
  2. C

    Welcome New Members!

    I'm in the us mate. do you know the manufacturer of these 'slug pellets'??
  3. C

    Welcome New Members!

    i'm growing my own medicine 12 plants.. but I haave these brown caterpillars eating my little leave... what should i do?
  4. C

    Welcome New Members!

    hi im new here
  5. C

    24" x 45" x very tall grow room. First grow - advice needed.

    I've just started growing also. from what I've read and learned you cannot have too much light during flower. Some argue that having the right spectrum of light is important but still others believe in a full spectrum ( 2500 k - 6700k). It also seems like you'll have more than enough ventilation...
  6. C

    Another : First time bagseed

    Nice job so far. is this your first grow? I've just started my first grow with bagseeds as well. here's a pic of my plants: they are 23 day from germination and doing great. I only have 6 32 watt flourescents on them but I'll switch...
  7. C

    Dude, what kind of bud is that in your avatar?! it looks sik..

    Dude, what kind of bud is that in your avatar?! it looks sik..
  8. C

    Noob accepting grow room design advice

    Ok so a 1k won't be to much for this spot then? I am liking the idea of trying another hood though. If this parabolic doesn't work out I'll bite the bullet and buy a nice 8" cool tube fixture. I've read all over that you can keep a 1kw mh 1' from the tops. that just seems like the most efficient...
  9. C

    Noob accepting grow room design advice

    So, it's been a few days. I couldn't get onto the site because it wouldn't load. anyone else have that problem?? anyway, I've taken a few steps since I was last able to get on here. I cleared out all the shelving and put up 6mil black sheeting all on the inside of the area. I now have a 1kw...
  10. C

    Noob accepting grow room design advice

    Thanks legallyflying, I was thinking of splitting it too but then I bought this 4x4x7 grow tent off eBay. I think it will be perfect for vegging and cloning! So now I'm thinking I'll be able to use this entire space for flowering... would that be a good idea? or am i being to ambitious? I...
  11. C

    Noob accepting grow room design advice

    Thanks! I hope it works out for me. I've never grown anything but tomatoes and flowers with my grandparents and now I'm setting up this whole project, but at least it's keeping me busy. GL with that grow tent, and as for the GF situation - just find a chick that loves to chief LOL, she'll understand
  12. C

    Noob accepting grow room design advice

    Sorry I make you feel that way man, You should grow legit so you don't have to hide it in your room! Then you can show it off to all the people your currently hiding it from haha
  13. C

    Noob accepting grow room design advice

    Thanks everyone, I'm beginning to form my plans based on all of these opinions. I think it will be great. I'm still unsure of the lighting in the flowering room. The way I'm dividing the area it will be 4x5, will a 600 watt hps be enough?
  14. C

    Noob accepting grow room design advice

    I think this is the way I'll do it. I looked at the referenced tree grow and IT WAS AMAZING. I think I can stagger 2 at a time and still have a somewhat perpetual grow, however, I'll need more light.. maybe a 1000w hps for flowering?
  15. C

    Noob accepting grow room design advice

    I'm allowed 12 plants in all, and I'll be assuming that will include any rooted clones. sooo, I'll probably be flowering only 4-5 plants at a time.
  16. C

    Noob accepting grow room design advice

    To be honest I haven't fully decided, though I'm leaning towards using 4' fluorescents to vegetate, and then getting maybe a 400-600w hps for flowering. I've not really looked into ventilation much but I'm sure I'll need some for the lights/heat. I've read about computer fans being used as a low...
  17. C

    Noob accepting grow room design advice

    Michigan law allows 12 plants to be grown by the patient or caregiver. I've never grown underground or anywhere for that matter, I hope this goes well.
  18. C

    Noob accepting grow room design advice

    Hi, I'm a new medical marijuana patient in Michigan. I have decided to try and grow my own plants so i don't have to pay such high prices (I smoke like a fiend now :bigjoint: ). I have an area in my securable basement that I've cleared out and am willing to dedicate. there are already some...
  19. C

    First Time Set-Up - Advice Please! :)

    Wow, what a great grow. I can't believe you just started. I'm a new patient from Michigan and i'm about to begin growing my own medication too. Do you mind if i ask how much that room and the equipment has cost you so far? It's probably a lot but you'll be able to make every penny back in pain...