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  1. Stickier Fingers

    Tailoring amount of flower nutrient

    Hi. The numbers on the biobizz nutes im using are as follows: Bio Grow 8-2-6. Bio Bloom 8-6-3.5. Bio Heaven 0.91-0.18-0.24, and Fish Mix 2-6-4. Do you think its ok to use them along with the Guano. Or should I be leaving something out, the Bio Bloom for instance as it also has a highish P...
  2. Stickier Fingers

    Tailoring amount of flower nutrient

    Hi chaps.. I've just ordered some vintage bat guano and was just wondering that when I start using it is it ok to continue with my usual nutes(bio bizz) or should I just use the guano. Also how much should I scatter on top of the soil, the directions aren't very clear. I'm fairly new to this...
  3. Stickier Fingers

    Nutrient/soil question

    Thanks alot for that... I give what you said a try...
  4. Stickier Fingers

    Nutrient/soil question

    Hi guys I'm another newcomer. I grow outside in the uk. In using the bio bizz nutes which are working well, but can anyone recommend something which can promote bigger buds... Thanks..
  5. Stickier Fingers

    Sunshine Mix #4 For Flowering or Vegative?

    Hi guys. I'm a newby growing outdoors in the uk. I'm currently using the bio bizz nutes which seem to be working well but can anyone recommend something to help with bud size. I'm getting good yield but I'd like bigger buds. Anyone please... Thanks
  6. Stickier Fingers

    Outdoor Nutrients

    I grow outside in uk. I've been using the bio bizz nuts with great success. Im new to this so I was advised to go organic as any beginners miscalculation with the nutrients would not cause too much harm. Hope this helps; fish mix, bio bloom, bio grow, bio heavan And root juice and a little Epsom...
  7. Stickier Fingers

    Fruit automatic harvest???

    Cheers for that. I won't bother then. I'll just do a new one. Peace...
  8. Stickier Fingers

    Fruit automatic harvest???

    Cheers man. I've actually got my next auto already going she's 2 weeks old, so we're on the same wavelength there. I may try taking a clone off this next one for a third. Never done ther before. Any tips bro?
  9. Stickier Fingers

    Fruit automatic harvest???

    Cheers for that dude. I think i'll take your advice....few more days won't hurt. One thing I have learnt is how different the plant looks if you let her really ripen well..
  10. Stickier Fingers

    Fruit automatic harvest???

    Friends.! Time for an update on my fruit auto. She is now approaching 96 days her bracts are swelling and pistil's are orange/brown and receding but the trich's (which are now being viewed via my 100x hand held microscope) are still 30/50 clear/cloudy. Alas Still no Amber. Should I still wait...
  11. Stickier Fingers

    Fruit automatic harvest???

    I'm sure your right bigby. That why they take so much longer, especially in the uk. We just don't get the consistency with the weather. But hay, it's worth the wait and they still grow. How's the pineapple express. Any good. I've got an easy rider on the way apperently they are really quick.
  12. Stickier Fingers

    Fruit automatic harvest???

    Man. I need to switch countries!
  13. Stickier Fingers

    Fruit automatic harvest???

    Wow! Your so lucky to be able to grow legally. We can't do shit over here and getting herb through your doc is highly unlikely. As I need it for medical reasons too I had to start growing my own. This is why I'm forced to grow dwarf's outside. Energy is expensive here in the uk too, and that's...
  14. Stickier Fingers

    Fruit automatic harvest???

    Hey side11, as youngdog's are 30" high we must have dwarf's. That must be some plant. Can't wait till he sorts his camera out so we can take a look at them. When choosing seeds I had to look at their growth heights for reasons of secrecy. I'm in a built up area growing outside. I wish I could...
  15. Stickier Fingers

    Fruit automatic harvest???

    Hi side11 welcome. They look good for their age. They do start small mine were the same. Mine seem to take of suddenly once I put them in their next pot. As you can see from my pics they don't grow very tall about 12" but they get nice and bushy. Good yield really. What are feeding them? I gave...
  16. Stickier Fingers

    Fruit automatic harvest???

    Thanks for that. Will it be ok to give it to her this late on. I've already flushed her as I was expecting her to be finished by now as she's approching 100 days??. Man so much to learn!
  17. Stickier Fingers

    Fruit automatic harvest???

    Thanks youngdog. Excuse my ignorance I'm new to this but what form of molasses and carbs. Surly it's not the stuff we eat??? Lol
  18. Stickier Fingers

    Fruit automatic harvest???

    Thanks youngdog. Excuse my ignorance I'm new to this. What Molasses and what form do these carbs come in I haven't heard of this stuff. Surly it's not the stuff we eat??:wall:
  19. Stickier Fingers

    Fruit automatic harvest???

    Here are my pic of 93 day old fruit auto. Took me a while to work out how to do it. Or maybe im just stoned LOL. No amber as yet, hope you guys can tell me what your thoughts are.. Thanks dude's...sorry one is sideways dont know what happened there it wasnt like that till I uploaded it?