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  1. Scotiagrow


    I just harvested my plant cuz I had too its a lil premature:(, i trimmed then cut the buds off the stem and they are now I'n my buddy's shed on a window screen, is this a good idea, my buddy did it n it dryed I'n 3 days but was inside, this is my first curing I ever did, and I got 175 grams wet...
  2. Scotiagrow

    Premature bud, fuckin mold

    What you mean by water cure it whats that do
  3. Scotiagrow

    Premature bud, fuckin mold

    Would I spray the neem oil right on the buds, it wound hurt them
  4. Scotiagrow

    Premature bud, fuckin mold

    some pics taken today
  5. Scotiagrow

    Premature bud, fuckin mold

    Ok so I went back to my plant today to check up on it and bring few water jugs back and while I was looking it over I found some small patches of mold :( . I just ripped off the little buds that had it on it and on the bigger buds I just. Squeezed it with my fingers and pulled it off z. And...
  6. Scotiagrow


    I live by the ocean, and it gets foggy quite a bit, I was wondering if the for can harm my plant, can fog make mold?
  7. Scotiagrow

    5150's Monster Backyard 2011 Hello Old Friends!!

    ........(WOW). Those are fuckin beautiful , how much bud would you estimate one of those beauties to give you,( probly not really gonna be an estimate, looks like you been growin for a while and probly had some like these before lol) props buddy... Just started growin hopefully in a few years...
  8. Scotiagrow

    harvest time.

    I got a plant looks close to the same size buts topped, just wondering how much you got dried?
  9. Scotiagrow

    Outdoor ns

    Should I be worried about it
  10. Scotiagrow

    Outdoor ns

    Any idea what the white stuff could be in the 3rd pic
  11. Scotiagrow

    Outdoor ns

    They look good too lol, It look like to me that mine is in the same week as your blueberry strain , do you just leave them outside day and night or do you put anything over then at night cuz the nights are startin to get pretty cold, which is scarin me, ppl I have talked to say that ppl are...
  12. Scotiagrow

    Outdoor ns

    heres some pics i toook tody, can someone tell me what the white stuff is in the 3rd pic, it rubs off when i rubbed it with my fingers is it some kind of mold that i should worrie bout, thanks, and let me no what you think, and maybe estimate what week of flower you think they are i lost track
  13. Scotiagrow

    Outdoor ns

    Big bud not big bug lol my bad
  14. Scotiagrow

    Outdoor ns

    Iunno what kind strain it has a real fruity smell, it's in a recycling can, probly spent close to 100 bucks to make a real good soil, with bat guano , perlite, and some other things( thats all i member it was last year when me n my buddy went splits on the stuff) it was from seed, and Was...
  15. Scotiagrow

    Outdoor ns

    I'll try get some pics I'm goin to see it tomorrow
  16. Scotiagrow

    Outdoor ns

    I was wondering if anyone is growing in Nova scotia and noes how much longer till harvest,( just so I have an idea of when to flush) and how often should I feed my Plant big bug
  17. Scotiagrow

    Big bud nutes

    Alright thanks for clearin that up for me
  18. Scotiagrow

    Big bud nutes

    What does the p-k-n mean? It's the 3 sets of numbers on every nutrients bottle or package right? Just so I got that clear
  19. Scotiagrow

    Big bud nutes

    My plants bout 5+ ft tall lol. I just want it to start budding asap , but if you think I should wait lil longer before giving it big bud what do you think I should give it just water?
  20. Scotiagrow

    Big bud nutes

    My plant is just starting to produce hairs at the tops of the Plant (I think this is the very first stage of flowering) I just fed it bud blood today, I was wondering if I should start giving it big bid in a few days or should I just give it water or one more dose of bud blood? Thanks