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  1. Stickynuggs32

    11 weeks into flowering??

    when i first starting seeing buds appear ha
  2. Stickynuggs32

    11 weeks into flowering??

    as you can see my leaves are fucked on this not sure if its a deficiency or when my light fell and got too close to the plant (the light was a little to close to the plant for about 25 min) lower bud leaves are starting to droop and twist
  3. Stickynuggs32

    11 weeks into flowering??

    its indica
  4. Stickynuggs32

    11 weeks into flowering??

    its an leaves are fat and yes its been on 12/12 for 11 plant looks pretty ugly right..starting to droop and my leaves look crumbly
  5. Stickynuggs32

    11 weeks into flowering??

    does it take 11 weeks for a plant to be ready?..i bought a 100x zoom scope to look at my trichomes but all my tricks are clear..i see maybe 1 or 2 tricks that are amber but the rest are just clear or a little cloudy..i'm thinking it has to do with my lights..i honestly didn't expect to get this...
  6. Stickynuggs32

    Not sure when to harvest..2 months 2 weeks into flowering(10 weeks)

    i have been in flower stage since sep 16th most of the hairs on my lower buds are brown but my big top bud is just now starting to turn much longer do you think because i have read it normally takes 2 months of flowering..i really didn't think i would get this far with the set up i...
  7. Stickynuggs32

    any papers big enough to hold a quarter pound?

    that's exactly what i was thinkin, were probably just going to go with an oz instead...a buddy of mine just watches a lot of videos on youtube of people rolling and smoking huge joints and that's all he's been talkin about haha, its his b-day here soon so i figured we would do somethin like that..
  8. Stickynuggs32

    any papers big enough to hold a quarter pound?

    we were just lookin at that haha, thanks
  9. Stickynuggs32

    any papers big enough to hold a quarter pound?

    planing on having a big party and wanted to know if their are any papers you can buy that can hold a quarter pound..i really don't want to have to stick a bunch of papers together haha.
  10. Stickynuggs32

    7 weeks into flowering First time grower (pics)

    hello, just wondering how i can tell when to harvest..i don't know any stores that sell 50x-100x zoom microscopes to look at the crystals..this is my first time grow so i don't have anything super sweet to grow with but i'm using three 24 watt lights from an aerogarden and 2 20 watt tube lights...
  11. Stickynuggs32

    4 week into flower, my first time growing

    hell yeahh, thats just about perfect, thanks!
  12. Stickynuggs32

    4 week into flower, my first time growing

    yeahh about that haha, not much, but it will deffinatly have some in my next grow. i had to drill extra holes in my pot for better drainage. i really didnt expect it to get this far with the lights i have for it
  13. Stickynuggs32

    4 week into flower, my first time growing

    you should stop acting like a 5 year old meaning you should stop trollin people shit..
  14. Stickynuggs32

    4 week into flower, my first time growing

    so does your mother..
  15. Stickynuggs32

    4 week into flower, my first time growing

    this is my first grow and honestly, i didn't think i would get this far..i'm using three 26 watt bulbs from and aerogarden and two 20 watt tubed lights..also using miracle gro organic choice soil with fox farm big bloom and tiger are some pics of my plant (again only 4 weeks into...
  16. Stickynuggs32

    butane hash oil??

    -_- tust me, im right their with you..i cant stand this state and im sure half the people here will agree
  17. Stickynuggs32

    butane hash oil??

    sweet, i can get isopropyl all day ..i probably have about 3 or 4 bottles of it right now haha..3 bucks for a 32 fl oz bottle
  18. Stickynuggs32

    butane hash oil??

    welp..i live in the ohio area and attended a hookahville in sep, every year their is what i guess you can call the weed of the year ( the most talked about) last year was strawberry cough, this year hash oil came into town. I took 1 hit of pure oil for the first time, no weed just the oil and...
  19. Stickynuggs32

    Is this bad or is it just maturing

    the bud is fine..just the tips of the white hairs are starting to turn olmost redish im thinkin its maturing..i just wanted to be safe
  20. Stickynuggs32

    Is this bad or is it just maturing

    4 to 5 inches away so they couldnt be burning