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  1. M

    Purple Pistils.. anybody had similar strains to this before?

    Just wanted to drop a little update on the purps. Week 6... Enjoy!
  2. M

    Purple Pistils.. anybody had similar strains to this before?

    You mean like this strain??? The Pistils get more purple the older they get. So pretty. Check out this crazy bug tryin to blend in with the purps!
  3. M

    Is my plant male? How can I protect other plants?

    I see no pistils in any picture, so this plant was never female. Is this from seed or clone?
  4. M

    Running Into Serious Problems--Relentless pH Levels!! In Dire Need Of HELPP!!! Pics!!

    It looks like only the top half of the plant is affected. Is that right?
  5. M

    Diagnosis? Help-a-noob. w/PICS Purple pistils!

    Thanks for your response. In the OP I stated that the nutes are simply - chicken shit tea. I did hit em once with a 1/4 strength dose of bloom nute of 10-54-10, so 2.5-13.5-2.5. This was after the canoeing and yellow however. The plant is in a greenhouse, and the current temps are typically...
  6. M

    Diagnosis? Help-a-noob. w/PICS Purple pistils!

    Thank you sir! It's getting more and more predominant every week. Definitely genetic too. I guess you could say, Bagseed is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. Im pleased.
  7. M

    Diagnosis? Help-a-noob. w/PICS Purple pistils!

    I hadnt checked the pH until I noticed the problem. I used about 1/4 cup of lime sprinkled on top and watered in about once a month for the whole life of the plants just to counter the chicken shit and peat. I shouldve been checking my pH, but the plant was growing pretty good so I never...
  8. M

    Leaves are folding down?

    How are they doing now? Are feeding those chem nutes at full strength and every watering? That's pretty high. have a ppm meter?
  9. M

    Tips curling downwards, and bottom leafs yellow/brown

    Any update on these plants dude?
  10. M

    too much nitrogen (leaves canoeing down)

    N overdose. plain pH'd water for awhile.
  11. M

    Having problems...Please help

    Did the worst of your fan leaves perk back up after backing off the nutes? Also, did the lowest fan leaves yellow at all during the claw? I have a plant that's doing, what looks like, the exact same thing. Thanks bro.
  12. M

    pH dropping

    IMO, and recent experience, hydrated lime sux. It tends to spike the pH then drop out rather quickly. Dolomite lime is said to stabilize the pH over a longer period, but most ppl mix it in with their soil before planting. Also, oyster shells - available at any feed/bird store - is said to...
  13. M

    pH dropping

    What kind of nutes ru using? My water is 7.6 also, but after adding nutes it drops to about 6.5pH. Always check the water after you add nutes and adjust from there.
  14. M

    Opposite Twisting Bottom Leaves

    The one looks a little over-watered. What's the npk of the soil your using?
  15. M

    Diagnosis? Help-a-noob. w/PICS Purple pistils!

    Carl, I thought flushing was more effective when using a soiless mix, such as what I'm using. It's a blend of Peat, perlite, and aged pine bark. I opted for this mix in hopes to have a little more control of feeding - specifically, if I overfed. This is my 3rd grow and I've always used a good...
  16. M

    Diagnosis? Help-a-noob. w/PICS Purple pistils!

    Thanks for the replies guys. The run-off pH today was 7.02, so I'm hoping it was just a lock-out and that once the medium stabilizes everything will pick back up. The pistils are getting more and more purple everyday. (see post below for pic) I love it. I'm pretty sure the coloring is genetic...
  17. M

    Male gone hermie. Ever seen this?

    God damnit, I could stare at that avatar all day! Who is that? that has to be one of the nicest asses ive ever seen. That's not my wife is it???
  18. M

    Why do some growers clone with a fear of air getting into the stem?

    It's called an air embolis (sp). Plant's draw water up the stalk via suction that's created from evaporating water from the leaves. An air embolis can stop/prevent that suction action from working; ultimately killing the cutting.
  19. M

    Diagnosis? Help-a-noob. w/PICS Purple pistils!

    Yeah, I've gone thru that several times. I cant find any info on yellowing begining at the base of the leaf and working its way to the tips. I thoht it was N toxicity. But now Im not so sure.