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  1. ceeP

    Hemp Depot? anyone used this site?

    I have Ordered from them before and they are top notch. Like someone said in previous post some of there prices are not the best but some of the other ones are good. Can not go wrong with Joey Weed but i have heard the Sugar berry from him is not that great, i have personally grown Joey's Nl and...
  2. ceeP

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    Thanks for your reply fdd. Looks like i have to order some more seeds then because the last of my seeds just sprouted and i will not be able to get pollen and breed them for my outdoor. Which sucks cuz i am broke... Peace
  3. ceeP

    Trouble with seeds

    Maybe needs more warmth and/or darkness? I set mine on top of my computer tower that is under my desk which keeps it darker and the computer tower on top is nice and warm and seeds like warmth and darkness.
  4. ceeP

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    Pollinated a nl clone couple days ago that was little over two weeks into flower using this method with some pollen i took from a nl male last fall. My first time trying and the hairs have not turned brown like in the tutorial. Never put the pollen in the freezer or anything just had it in a...
  5. ceeP


    Pick up the pot. if it feels lite then they need water if it is heavy then dont water.
  6. ceeP

    Joey weed NL leaves falling off

    Oh and i know you said the lime i have will work but i got a bag of hydrated lime as well ;)
  7. ceeP

    Joey weed NL leaves falling off

    Thanks Budsmoker you have been sooo helpful, you did not just give me the generic "you have a ph problem" answer. you actually new what the problem was and told me how to fix it. Thanks again :) Peace
  8. ceeP

    Joey weed NL leaves falling off

    YOU nailed it. That's pretty much exact. I have some encap fast acting lime which is calcium carbonate i believe. will this work for lime? And should i mix this with the medium before transplant or dissolve in water and apply? How much should i use per bag of medium?
  9. ceeP

    Joey weed NL leaves falling off

    foliar feed a calmag solution? if so how much calmag per gallon should i use?
  10. ceeP

    Joey weed NL leaves falling off

    i was wondering if it could be caused by under feeding, thats why i wanted to know if any body else has grown this strain to see if it liked lots of food. Its not a late flowering issue as this starts to happen with in the first couple weeks of floweringand progresses until all the leves fall...
  11. ceeP

    Joey weed NL leaves falling off

    Forgot to mention what i am using. 600 watt hps, promix ultimate organic, jacks(peters) blossom booster @ 1/2 strength, temps are 65-70 at night and 75-85 during day, the plants are in about 3 1/2 to 4 gallons of soil, good air flow/lots of fresh air. The above mentioned post on another site...
  12. ceeP

    Joey weed NL leaves falling off

    Looking for anyone who has grown this strain. Specifically problems you had and how you corrected it, how much nutes they like, or anything you can share about the strain. I am talking straight up Joey Weed Northern Lights, not any of the crosses with it. Have been having this problem with...
  13. ceeP

    Joey Weed Northern Lights

    please delete moving to plant problems
  14. ceeP

    The attitude seed bank? the list of lists
  15. ceeP

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi my name is ceeP and i am a growaholic ;)
  16. ceeP

    plant looks tired...

    if the soil is really dry and your leaves are drooping then they prolly need watering. if the soil is really wet and they are drooping then you most likely over watered. some plants i have seen droop couple hours before lights go out then the next day they are right back up again. Prolly nothing...