Trouble with seeds


Well-Known Member
I have just got some seeds of greenhouse one of there mix packs.I have grown from seed many time before but this time i can't get the fu@ker to sprout,I have always had great success with seeds in the past they have always sprouted and if i have lost any it was when i first started out,but they always germanated?I i only want one strain at this time it's a white widow i have been germanating it now for around 3 days it's been a while since i have had to bother with seeds because i have a ak47 strain that i have been happy with for time and still you think that im not giveing it enougth time or any ideas.i'm useing papper towel sprayed with a mix of water set at 5.5 with a drop of superthrive in the water 1 drop for every litre.


Well-Known Member
this is the first time i heard of problems with GHS, i am 100% with them, those are the new colored ones right? i always use moist paper towels in dishes like a clam ontop of something warm, not too warm tho, i usually let the beans soak over night then germ them, i get a tap root in less than 24hrs this way...see if you can put the seed on top of the TV


Active Member
Maybe needs more warmth and/or darkness? I set mine on top of my computer tower that is under my desk which keeps it darker and the computer tower on top is nice and warm and seeds like warmth and darkness.


Active Member
its been hapening to me to you can try giving it a couple more dars to see what happens but to bring up your chances next time maby try to put them in a cup full of water until they fall to the bottom and then put them in a paper towel i know its not much but i hope it helps


Well-Known Member
I have always done the samething apartfrom soaking so i'm gonna give it a soak tonight and back onto the paper towel and two saucers.i tought only i had come up with the clam.


Well-Known Member
well i do do mine in glass ov warm water with blak sok ova in boiler cubord always works

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I had the same problem with the Dutchmans White Widow! I have germed a lot of beans and sometimes you just get one that wont cooperate. I am a female seed fan and like to purchase just one sometimes. Out of all the beans I have germed the WW and one AfghanKush bean have not made the grade. I also had some Brains Damage that only gave me males. Bummer! GHS have been 100% for me as well even before the colored coatings. Its probably just one bad bean but keep trying it may still veg. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
no its not just you it was a couple of us that we was trying to figure out was it better to put the colored seeds in the soil because of the root stimulator. when you put it in a paper towel it takes awhile to pop because of the color coating..all of my seeds did pop but he one that were colored ended up being the slower and weaker wuts the point... two aren't looking so good it took up to a week for those two to pop so dont worry they will pop eventually someday