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  1. C

    When you're a kid in Texas...

    indallas trying to find a connect
  2. C

    Lights all night. Dallas texas.

    r u going to be in Dallas? I need some uh hum, u know... hit me
  3. C

    Seeds not growing, help!

    no i do not have a temperature gauge, only for ppm and ph
  4. C

    Seeds not growing, help!

    i did keep them out of sunlight for over two days in a closet and then put it in rockwool thanks for your method
  5. C

    Seeds not growing, help!

    rapid you germinate with rapid rooters, or do you germinate and then place into rapid rooters? do you think they are savable?
  6. C

    Seeds not growing, help!

    I have a 150 watt HPS light, and it was almost as high as it goes. i hink the temps were too high too, i didnt even have the fan going at first. I do t have cfls
  7. C

    Seeds not growing, help!

    when i first wet them i shook the rockwools pretty good.
  8. C

    Seeds not growing, help!

    i did take them out of the bag today. I do not have cfl's, maybe I should try that. It is a 150 watt HPS light. the light was kind of far from them. i have lowered the 150 watt HPS light
  9. C

    Seeds not growing, help!

    i did seal the bags but the last couple of days I didnt seal it and actually today three of the rockwools were pretty dry. I planned on doing a DWC grow. Not sure if i should really try to take off the shell, kind of scared to do that. Hopefully me taking it out of the bag and lowering the light...
  10. C

    Seeds not growing, help!

    so I germinated my seeds and then i went to a hydroponic store and he recommended since I didn't have a dome to put my seeds in rockwool and then in a zip lock bag to act like the dome. So i did this on Friday 10/21 and now it is six days later and they are not really growing. I have taken...
  11. C

    Seeds not growing, help!

    so I germinated my seeds and then i went to a hydroponic store and he recommended since I didn't have a dome to put my seeds in rockwool and then in a zip lock bag to act like the dome. So i did this on Friday 10/21 and now it is six days later and they are not really growing. I have taken...
  12. C

    Seeds not growing, help!

    so I germinated my seeds and then i went to a hydroponic store and he recommended since I didn't have a dome to put my seeds in rockwool and then in a zip lock bag to act like the dome. So i did this on Friday 10/21 and now it is six days later and they are not really growing. I have taken...
  13. C

    Grow BOX, SEED, and Newbie questions

    So basically I need any auto grower feminized preferably that is low in height and short grow (8-10 weeks)
  14. C

    Box Setup and seed

    Of course thats all i need it is just for personal use. i do not want to be producing a lot and not know what to do with it. I do not want to be smoking all day. Im not going to sell it either and get locked up for years. Shit Ive gone 3 grams for a whole month just smoking like twice a week
  15. C

    Box Setup and seed

    Also, here is an example of some plants growing in it:
  16. C

    Box Setup and seed

    shit I would be happy with yielding 18 grams or more with that setup every 2-3 months using automated low plants. Isn't that possible?
  17. C

    Box Setup and seed

    150 for all that hmmm that doesn't sound realistic considering a 150 watt hps light kit costs at least $60 and up, at least on ebay
  18. C

    Box Setup and seed

    where can I get better lights for cheap, and how can I do it better if I don't know how
  19. C

    Box Setup and seed

    I'm trying not to rush but I don't know how to build my own and that would fit in my closet. I was also thinking the wattage was too low as well. I actually put up the wrong box the box I want is the mamoth 150 its on that site its 36 x 28 x 20 but still 150 watt. Do u have any other...
  20. C

    Grow BOX, SEED, and Newbie questions

    The link u provided did not show white widow...