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  1. Whittyone

    Clones are rooted and in FFOF, have ?s Thank you

    yea there are some pretty heated forums disputing the use of FFOF right away but i figured id try anyways, it seems a bit hot for the maui waui but i think shell be just alright after awhile. ideally i wouldve mixed something like light warrior and perlite but i couldn't
  2. Whittyone

    Clones are rooted and in FFOF, have ?s Thank you

    ok, i have the lime, when i put them 2gal smart pots, how much should i use? and i will definitely get some more perlite. would u say a 70-30mix would be fine? ive been doing some reading and this seems like the norm. i am using 3 26w cfls 6500k above these clones right now, about 2in away, is...
  3. Whittyone

    Clones are rooted and in FFOF, have ?s Thank you

    i have 3 clones that were rooted in "rapid rooters" and put directly into mix of perilite and ffof. (90%-10%) i was running out of perilite :( watering with ro and small amount of cal mag. 100ppm. 1 still looks droopy but shows new growth i think so im hoping shell pull through, what do u think...
  4. Whittyone

    HELP! In flower, tiny yellow and orange dots on fan leaves

    Plant looks healthy but has tiny orange and yellow dots, anyone know what this could be?
  5. Whittyone

    Advice On My Clones?

    from what i learned about lights its not about burning them in this stage, burning them would be waaaay to much light. as clones they need very little to begin with to force their roots to grow. i keep my cfls about 20inches away. 2 26w 6500k and they get what they need.
  6. Whittyone

    1st Post, 1st grow. Does my plant look Normal? Cfl, Dwc, Advice?

    the problem was corrected, thank you so much guys. much love
  7. Whittyone

    Are my clones still on track????? **Pics**

    keep the lights AWAY, i am not an expert but from what i have read and researched the clones need VERY LITTLE light. i currently have 2 26w cfls about 18inches from the top of my dome, the plants 3 inches under that. what are your temps and humidity levels? i used to not have a meter, i got one...
  8. Whittyone

    1st time clones, 3 look ok. 1 looks sick :( help. Have pictures

    thanks a lot, they look about the same as they did yesterday now. what are the best humidity and temp levels for clones 90h and 85temp?
  9. Whittyone

    1st time clones, 3 look ok. 1 looks sick :( help. Have pictures

    we took 4 clones off of 4 different plants, it has been 24 hours since they were cut and put in rockwool. 3 look ok but 1 looks droopy. temp is between 75 and 85 with humidity at about 90. rockwool was ph'ed and clonex gel was used. Do they look ok? should i have cut more leaves off? lights are...
  10. Whittyone

    1st time clones, Does this setup look ok?

    they are about 5 or 6 inches away now, how long until they begin to perk up?
  11. Whittyone

    1st time clones, Does this setup look ok?

    My goal is to get these clones rooted and transplant the cubes into hydroton. i used clonex gel and soaked the cubes in ph'ed water. i have a Rubbermaid container with a piece of thin of plastic on top. id say the bulbs are 12inches above the plants, there are 3 26w 6500k bulbs. i also have a...
  12. Whittyone

    1st Post, 1st grow. Does my plant look Normal? Cfl, Dwc, Advice?

    thank you for the response, ive brought it down to about 200 since ive read this. She still shows signs of burning which makes sense because its been so high. is there a rule of thumb about ppms? like for seedlings, clones veg and flower? ive done a little research but everyone shows different...
  13. Whittyone

    1st Post, 1st grow. Does my plant look Normal? Cfl, Dwc, Advice?

    i went and bought a ppm meter and i believe it was to high at 700, do you all concur this is over nuting to early? i believe i have learned my lesson
  14. Whittyone

    1st Post, 1st grow. Does my plant look Normal? Cfl, Dwc, Advice?

    i checked and re calibrated my ph meter, it was 5.8 as before. I have never had a ph problem i dont think. it could be the ppm of the nutes, i have not bought a ppm meter yet and im sure there is to many nutes to early.
  15. Whittyone

    1st Post, 1st grow. Does my plant look Normal? Cfl, Dwc, Advice?

    just went through your link, i hope my plants turn out something like that. without proper lighting i cant expect that much but i can dream haha
  16. Whittyone

    1st Post, 1st grow. Does my plant look Normal? Cfl, Dwc, Advice?

    Thank you for such quick responses, i did check out a few stickys in "plant problems" but nothing quite matched up so i figured i was being over cautious and id ask. I do use RO water and cal mag but do not have a ppm meter yet :/ i know its not right but i figured if i stick to the feed...
  17. Whittyone

    1st Post, 1st grow. Does my plant look Normal? Cfl, Dwc, Advice?

    I have a DWC with 1/4 nutes (Floraduo/Full Bonticare additives) and 2 6500k cfls on her. They are about 2 inches about with a fan blowing across the top. My ? is, does she look normal with the fingers and twisted leaves? it was just bag seed :/ ph stays between 5.7 and 5.9. Roots are white and...