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  1. dawg420

    CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

    ZIP you're doing great for your first grow!!! really good pics!! hope you come off with ur oz.!!! KEEP THE PICS COMING!!! let us know how much you end up with!!!
  2. dawg420

    CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

    nice looking pistils man an real close nodes!!! looks great man!!!
  3. dawg420

    CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

    looking good zip!!!!
  4. dawg420

    CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

    well guys...i guess you wasnt impressed with my little grow, wasnt trying to take over your thread just wanting to show off my little ladies..anywho.. good luck an keep up the good work zip!!! I'm hoping to come off with a oz maybe 2 if im lucky...carry on children...carry on...:sleep:
  5. dawg420

    Buying seeds online

  6. dawg420

    CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

    This is where it all started, about 2 weeks into vegging, right beore I switched to 12/12 under a 600 watt HPS.... Had 2 males after I started flowering. The plant in the back left is a clone I took from a plant outside. Gave my buddy the babies that I started later thats in the cups and the...
  7. dawg420

    CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

    here's a couple more I said no fancy nutes or soil just a redneck grow ;)
  8. dawg420

    CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

    Zippy ole boy you get an A for effort! but you need to do a little more research on lumens on your lights for starters.heres you a pic of some week 5 flowering with 2 weeks vegging an this is nothing fancy just horse shit an mg an this is 4 bagseed plants not throwing off on ur grow keep up the...
  9. dawg420

    Buying seeds online

    Thanks for the update, I'm thinking about ordering from Nirvana. Be great to hear your experience with them Enzo....
  10. dawg420

    A 600 + A 400 versus a 1000 Opinions Wanted

    Ok guys, I'm fixing a new indoor grow and wondering if I could buy ONLY 1 light, which would be better??? a 600 or 1000? I've decided to spring for a switchable ballast so I can swap MH and HPS bulbs. My grow area is about 6 x 8. How much more heat is the 1000 going to put out? I'm going with a...
  11. dawg420

    5 gallon tote

    Well, I'm new an I trimmed the leaves, it has solid nugs an smells Killer's not much but better than nothing!
  12. dawg420

    5 gallon tote

    Well I didn't start momma till July outside so it was just about 8 inches tall when I brought it inside. I trimmed the fan leaves back and topped it, thats my clone, the top of the momma. It has since spread out some and got a little taller. Just wondering if I should let it veg some more before...
  13. dawg420

    5 gallon tote

    Ok guys, this is what I got. Been vegging for 3 weeks now, the bigger momma plant was brought indoors from being started outside late in the summer. In the small tote is my clone ( taken off the momma in the other pics) and some bagseed seedlings. Seedlings are are 2 weeks old. Got my 100 watt...
  14. dawg420

    5 gallon tote

    Ok...I'll look into it more, but it said grow light in description? But that don't mean nothing I guess
  15. dawg420

    5 gallon tote

    I dont really know??? ebay?
  16. dawg420

    5 gallon tote

    No bro, Im not that cool yet Im growing in half horse shit an half mg soil...??????????? :peace:
  17. dawg420

    5 gallon tote

    Hey guys, I'm attempting to grow a couple plants in a 5 gal. Tote. I've got 2 sprouts just out of solo cups an one top out of a Mama plant I cloned, the plants an top was root bound an I moved them to my tote last night, the top I cloned is looking wicked! I'm using 175 mh, 100 Watt hps an 2 26...
  18. dawg420

    bought some more CFLs today

    I have A 175 mh an 2 26 Watt cfls on 4 plants, an I bought a 100 Watt hps cause I got it cheap on eBay ..but I was going to flower with it an cfls, an maybe try a150 Watt hps in it instead of 100
  19. dawg420

    175 mh????

    I'm just experimenting, I've got a Mama an topped it an have the main cola cloned an it's finally took off like crazy! An I've got a couple more sprouts started a couple inches tall an they r leafing out nicely! I added 2 26 Watt cfls as well an keeping all of the lights close. I have 4 all...
  20. dawg420

    175 mh????

    ok...thanks guys..I took a female plant I started late n the year from outside in an its about a 1' tall (I topped it after it was flowering) I have a 27 watt cfl along with a 4' shop flouro (daylight bulbs) on it as well. I've got the top in a solo cup with take root an its growing nicely as...