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  1. H

    LST Super Lemon Haze 1 month from seed with pics, how are things looking?

    The blue leaf tips are unexplained, ppl say it could be the strain, my last grow I had g13 crossed with super lemon haze.... It also had the blue leaf tips, I left it alone cuz it was doing better then all my other plants and it turned out to be some real good dense bud, so id say Just give it...
  2. H

    Magnesium deficiency? other nute burn? HELP!! Royal Dwarf

    The more I look at it now, its definitely looking like potassium overdose causeing calcium lockout, Id flush real good, then feed with just water and calmag for about 2 feedings then add ur other nutrients half dose and cal mag Let me kno what u plan on doing if u plan on another route.
  3. H

    Magnesium deficiency? other nute burn? HELP!! Royal Dwarf

    I'm a beginner but I've done A LOT of research In my opinion there's a few things you should look at Could be rare potassium overdose causing calcium lockout -- my first guess Are you sure its not heat stress?...even tho temps look good, light can still be too close Or it could just be...
  4. H

    rusty/burned spots on leaves

    Looks to me like u could use more cal-mag, looks like ur missing the micro nutrient maganese (Mn)
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    3 weeks into flower. Looking great! Vertical growth question.

    wow!! Looking so good, I'm coming up on my 4th week of flowering and my buds look nothing like that, I got a bagseed(first grow) with cfls but I think I have slow bud development cuz mine was getting to tall so I trained her too a scrog for the first 2 week stretch of flowering, but there...
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    Whats wrong with my plant ! PICS!

    Hard to tell cuz pic quality, but u probably used to much flowering nutrients too soon, you wanna go about half strength and make sure ur ph is spot on
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    Cfl scrog temps need advie

    Taking some rips waiting for advice!!!!!
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    I can't believe this mug shot.

    I'm in the metro detroit area :) small world!!
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    Cfl scrog temps need advie

  10. H

    Cfl scrog temps need advie

    Lol that's what I was hoping for!! I knew my temps weren't 2 hot but I wasn't sure if warmer nights would affect it, but marijuana plants are rather strong and should be able to adapt rather quickly so I'm hoping for the best, thanks!!
  11. H

    trim or not to trim?

    I'm using 3 300 watt replacement cfls and 2 weeks into flower, the stretch is over and I have a few things near the bottom of the plant that I know won't amount to anything should I lollipop the bitch or just leave her be??
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    Cfl scrog temps need advie

    Bump anyone?...
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    Cfl scrog temps need advie

    I kno, I can't have a ventalation tho, will it still be okay with the high night temps or will it cause problems?
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    Cfl scrog temps need advie

  15. H

    Cfl scrog temps need advie

    I kno but I have no way of lowering my night temps :/ so idk what to do or what to expect..
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    Cfl scrog temps need advie

    Come on people, help a first timer!!!
  17. H

    Cfl scrog temps need advie

    Basic info: FIRST GROW DWC scrog with 3 300 watt replacement cfls (68 true watts) 2 weeks flowering Tiger bloom, calmag, bat guano Strain is blackberry Day time temps : 77-82, 25 to 45% humidity and night time temps remain the same Its in my bedroom closet, poor venalation My...
  18. H

    Cfl scrog temps need advie

    Basic info: FIRST GROW DWC 1 plant scrog 2 weeks into flower Strain is blackberry Day time temps 77-82 Night time temps remain the same Humidity ranges from 25-45 Everything seems to be going well, but flowering rather slowly it seems. My question/concern is will the same constant...
  19. H

    DWC and Hempy, Parabolic Mini ScrOG!

    No not yet, I'm probably gonna do a journal on my next grow, everythings just rigged up with this grow cuz lack of $$$$ but this is the 3rd day under the screen and it seems to be training pretty good. But quick question, I have a bag seed I'm growing and the leaf tips have been blue and the...