DWC and Hempy, Parabolic Mini ScrOG!


Well-Known Member
Hi again!

This will be my 3rd grow, after a relatively/arguably successful 2nd go round I've kicked off this one.

So far! I AM doing a parabolic ScrOG this time as the idea fell through for the last grow.

Lighting: 2, 125w (red) CFL's
90w of UFO LED Goodness
45w Fluorescent tube (blue)

Nutes: Miracle Grow and some other concoctions for veg
Canna Hydra Flores (if I can afford it some canna big bud and pk 13/14)

Method: 1, 3 gallon DWC with a 4inch Net pot.
1, 3 gallon Hempy bucket with resevoir valve.

The Idea being that both res's have a valve to drain/keep water in in the case of the DWC (and according to the 'make it rain' technique) to flood the roots in the hempy setup.

The Strains: 1x 'Bomb Seeds' berry bomb (fem)
1x 'Nirvana' AK-48 (fem)

Both strains have succesfully germinated and are now situated in their final resting places on an 18/6 veg cycle.

And from some of the proceeds of my last grow I have also had a bit of an upgrade on my ventilation, I ordered a RUCK 4inch Inline fan and filter combo with some diamond mylar as the previous regular mylar I had hanging up was wearing and tearing all over the place. I totally forgot to take pictures of my last harvest! my bad! Suffice to say it was a good refreshing smoke and the canna butter I made was F!"£$%G stonkingly Good!




Feel free to post any comments/criticisms It's all good here, just keep it green an' clean!



Well-Known Member
Cheers man! Will be updating when... well you know something more exciting happens... seedlings are a tad boring I must say :)


Well-Known Member
Well scratch the DWC... Berry bomb seems to have just stopped growing and is stuck as a lil seedlet... which kinda sucks 'cause I was well looking forward to having a nice heavy yielding blue strain :(

So this grow will continue as an AK-48 Hempy scrog providing it stays healthy, I'm going to save the dwc bucket and stick a clone of the AK in later on and make it a 2 plant grow, or just use the one hempy plant to fill the whole screen. Decisions, decisions, anyone care to comment, what do you all think?

I'll be posting pics in about a week, when hopefully, she would have hit the screen and or be big enough to get topped.


Well-Known Member
Update WEEK 4 and 4 Days:

Right I said I'd post pics a while ago but it hadn't hit the screen yet... Well it still hasn't but its been a while :)

Yesterday I did a flush and topped up with full strength veg nutes hopefully now the roots are in the res she'll kick right off this week. I'm planning on switching the lights in a week or so, see how it goes (I've given myself 'til the end of October the latest to get some Christmas buddage).





And that's where I am at the moment. Just getting on with it a day at a time.


Well-Known Member
Sick man.. Loving it :D This grow is going to be fun to watch. :leaf::leaf:

Haven't seen you post in awhile. Nice to see you back :D Sub'd


Well-Known Member

Only just started LST'ing last night to open out some of the smaller bud sites.
And I haven't posted 'cause there hasn't been much going on, this vegging business likes to take its time XD


Well-Known Member
Week 6 - 6 Days Flower

So far so good, I was sick of waiting for her to 'properly' hit the screen so I jammed a book under the pot and started training her under the screen, then switched to flower.

She was a lot bigger than the last time I switched so hopefully that = more bud (:

Anyway here's some pictures of her sleeping




Well-Known Member
Week 1 and 4 Days of Flower

So far so good, emptied the res and replaced with full strength flower nutes (been using veg nutes during 1/3 of the stretch phase).
The screens filling out nicely, I think next time I'll veg a tad longer, but keep an eye on the stretch it still might fill most of the screen. I'm trying not to fill the screen all the way up to the top as the CFL's useful light cuts off just after the ballasts, it'd still grow bud but I wouldn't have any room to tuck taller buds down if they start growing into the lights.



Under the canopy shot, trying to keep things tidy but with the book under the pot there's not much room to maneuver.


Just completed a tidy up and trim found some pistils woot :) she's turning!
AK-48 so far living up to its quick flowering nature XD


Well-Known Member
I'm loving AK-48 so far. First week and a half of flower and she started budding, how ridiculous is that.

Will be posting pics tomorrow, so far she's on week 3 of flower this Thursday and all's going well.

I don't know why or how but all the plants I've grown can take a solid double strength nute dose every feed with no problems at all.

She's on the o'l dodgy chemical and organic tea until everything but the canna is used, then she'll (or my next grow) will be using only the canna Flores.

Anyhoo pics tomorrow g'nite.


Well-Known Member

Doesn't really smell at all unless your r8 up close in which case it smells goood XD, I bought a really decent carbon filter for this grow and I haven't needed it yet... But she's not smelly in a good way, I reckon she's a good choice for a stealth grow!

anyhoo, as promised! a few pics of the lovely lady's.


I know it's a ScrOG but I've left 2 of the main colas at the back to grow up and out so I get at least 2 fat buds (:


Looks good, I'm gonna follow ur flowering stage, I have a single dwc bucket grow, and I just started flowering, I plan on doing a scrog....would it be best to sex it then switch back to veg for a bit to train with screen and take some clones, or just let it train the screen throughout flowering??


Active Member
Looks good, I'm gonna follow ur flowering stage, I have a single dwc bucket grow, and I just started flowering, I plan on doing a scrog....would it be best to sex it then switch back to veg for a bit to train with screen and take some clones, or just let it train the screen throughout flowering??
Better to fill out the screen in veg. Before flowering


Well-Known Member
yeah ScrOG is a bitch your absolute best bet would be to go for feminized seeds or a female clone. Fill out in veg (about 60% of the screen, which I didn't do) and then flower. It's also really easy to train during flower too, I'm still tucking tops under and over because its such light training theres very little risk of snapping the stems or anything.


Well I made the netting yesterday, I took them out of the light for a minute so the stems got flimsy and I weaved some tops through the string, and my plant is 1 week into flower and has already grown like 8 inches, I'm working in a little space so I really have no choice but to scrog but seems like all is going good


Well-Known Member
Well I made the netting yesterday, I took them out of the light for a minute so the stems got flimsy and I weaved some tops through the string, and my plant is 1 week into flower and has already grown like 8 inches, I'm working in a little space so I really have no choice but to scrog but seems like all is going good
That's why I'm ScrOG'in, got very little space. It is an amazing technique to get the most out of a small area :)
You got a grow journal or any pics goin?


No not yet, I'm probably gonna do a journal on my next grow, everythings just rigged up with this grow cuz lack of $$$$ but this is the 3rd day under the screen and it seems to be training pretty good. But quick question, I have a bag seed I'm growing and the leaf tips have been blue and the leaves real dark green its whole life, I started other plant at the same time and no lie this plant is 4 or 5 times the size of all the others, all of them look healthy but this ones on roids!!!! Any idea what straing it could be??


Well-Known Member
No Idea at all, if its bagseed the likelihood of actually guessing the right strain is a good 1million to 1... could be blueish 'cause of environment conditions or deficiencies... I just don't know lol


Well-Known Member
Week 3 - Day 5 of Flower

Update time! been a while :)
Again nothing to really report continuing on double strength nutes so far next to no signs of damage, did a flush last night to keep her happy, biggest news, trichs started developing, tucked her under for possibly the last time now the main canopy is relatively even.

and I've added a PC fan that I have previously installed but it wasn't doing a great job where it was. It's now hanging from the screen blowing under the canopy which (hopefully) should help prevent any bud rot down there, which seems the most likely place for it.

And that's about it, I'll let the pics say the rest XD

Under canopy shot, can't get my hands under anymore to chop away the chaff.



So far this will be the biggest bud, I'm not tucking it down I wanted at least 1 fat one XD