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  1. notcalek

    Questions About My Setup[HOMEBOX XL]

    Rudiger- Quick question. Seiing as you use an AC how are you running co2 at the same time? Because your ac unit pulls air from your room? Im just wondering because i have a portable ac and it has a vent that you have to vnt out of the room, whih therefor ended the use of co2 for me. Lemme know...
  2. notcalek

    Exhausting through the wall?

    I am as well in a condo, I am tonight venting out my air from a portable AC into my drop ceiling
  3. notcalek

    Pot size for flowering, need answers asap please!!

    well let me ask you this guys.. Seeing as i am now about 4 weeks into flower, will the roots even have enough time to really expand out in the remaining time going from a 1 gallon pot into a 3 gallon...??? And yes i do really want to but making sure that it will for sure be worth it, because if...
  4. notcalek

    Pot size for flowering, need answers asap please!!

    I have been seeing posts that state that its never really to late to transplant unless obvoiusly if you are crazy far into flower. But i read as long as you are very good and experienced at transplanted then you will be fine because there will be very minimal stress, which makes sense, and I am...
  5. notcalek

    Pot size for flowering, need answers asap please!!

    Thanks for everyones replies i appriciate everything for real. I do still want people to still state their cases and hopefully i can get someone who has been in a situation like mine. Also so that people can use this post as reference. But it is defenitaly to late to transplant even if you are...
  6. notcalek

    Pot size for flowering, need answers asap please!!

    Lets see, I use the whole "PureBlend" line for nutes which is: Veg,Bloom,Sweet,Liquid Karma. I also use "Humboldt County's Own": Gravity, and Purple Maxx. I use "Grandmas" Mollassas. And I also use 100% organic "Cornucopia Plus" Dr. Thomas' Necessary Plant Energy which is a premium Tricarboxylic...
  7. notcalek

    Pot size for flowering, need answers asap please!!

    Hey guys need some help asap. Im wondering if pot size really does make that big of difference when it comes to yeild. Im about 3-4 weeks into flower and have all my girls in 1 gallon pots. I've always done: clone plug/ to beer cup/ to 1 gallon/ to 3 gallon to finish off and have seen amazing...
  8. notcalek

    Best pure Sativa strain?

    you guys forgot good old Sweet Tooth. 100%
  9. notcalek

    Best bong company

    YES. ROOR ALL THE WAY. Bought a $300 RooR for 4-20 this year as a gift to myself. Has a difuser, ice catcher, thickest glass you can get. And honeslty cant get that high with anything else, pure quality. Looks wise i have no clue, looks should mean a little, but the real stoners want the best...
  10. notcalek

    Pot Size

    Not as much as everyone makes it off to be is what we are sayin. It doesnt mean i use a one gallon pot from start to finish, depending on the plant size thats what you should go by. But use common sense, not all the bs about how you are going to "increase your yield by double" Like i said I use...
  11. notcalek

    Pot Size

    exacly. Beer Cup, 1 gallon pot, 3 gallon pot= just finee
  12. notcalek

    can i harvest lower buds if theyre done first?

    word man. Double check your buds, the trichs in particular and if they are to your standards go for it. I brought it by an veteran grower and said it does happen, and that when it is ready and you will know, go for it. So im on the same page as you, but i've been researchin the last 3 nights and...
  13. notcalek

    can i harvest lower buds if theyre done first?

    nope its the same exact thing with me haha weird. Yea anyways as we speak i am getting my "darkroom" set-up because right before the lights go on i am taking prolly about 4-5 branches that are more mature (dont kno why) usually its the opposite but this is my one girl that is much larger...
  14. notcalek

    Advance Ventilation question!! Please ASAP

    OK, so i have a 4x8 tent with a 4x4 veg room right next to it. I have two air cooled shades and have been puling air from outside of the tent (not the veg area), through the lights, and out into the veg room. NOTE: My tent is completly sealed due to co2, i have a carbon filter in there recyling...
  15. notcalek

    Flushing: Water/Molasses vs. Water Only

    Anyone Know Fo-Shizzle?
  16. notcalek

    Flushing: Water/Molasses vs. Water Only

    OK so i am gettin close to flushing and i was wondering what is better? To flush your plants using water and molasses , and just straight water. I have been using sweet/molasses for flowering so far and wanted to get to the bottom of this. Which way is better.? Anyone tried a side by side...
  17. notcalek

    Hot Ballast

    i Think it is. I have a 600w electronic galaxy ballast and it runs pretty hot, but i think they are suppose to. Myne on my concrete ground and nothing is touching it at all so im not worried. So yea think its straight
  18. notcalek


    Loudblunts i know that you can do co2 with formulas, or with a flow reg, but i've been told that with co2 being on point and having total control ova your co2 is key. Theres no way knowing what your ppm's in your room acually is (prolly vets like you guys have been doin it so long that a monitor...
  19. notcalek


    Yo co2 boosts are not a waste of time. If you do not own one or never had that u cant say shit sorry. Yea co2 tanks are "better". And to tell u the truth i had the regulater bought and was going to buy a tank, then my friend bought the boost bucket and the results were just as good as when my...
  20. notcalek


    Hey guys this thing is pretty legit. Yea it cost $100 every 60-90 days but i mean this thing is working soooo nice. I am planning to buy another one so i will have two running in my 4x8 flower tent, along with a green air co2 monitor and enviromental control. I'v read that one in a 4x8 tent read...