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  1. eliah1211


    i cant stop listening to fortress
  2. eliah1211

    Cloning Ph Question

    my ph has been 6 to 6.2 and my clones are comin along just fine
  3. eliah1211

    i want your oponion on my question.

    lay down the law and tell her to deal with it
  4. eliah1211

    Tom Cruise Purple

    ok does anyone know where to buy seeds of this shit?
  5. eliah1211

    how much longer can this go on

    good post man. it may come down to regulations of sorts but i would sure hope not. just another part of your life the government would be running. it would be nice if people could work productivly to help and educate themselves about this problem but it will probably just be a giant shit fest
  6. eliah1211

    how much longer can this go on

    i am not trying to worry my life away on this. i was merely asking what people think about it. i just thought it was interesting since will probably start to effect peoples lives in the next 100 years p.s. i just got done smokin a fatty and i loved it
  7. eliah1211

    how much longer can this go on

    nice picture
  8. eliah1211

    how much longer can this go on

    i come back and everyones talking about what animals get off for fun whatever lol
  9. eliah1211

    how much longer can this go on

    cancerous cells can not survive in a alkaline, oxygen rich environment. its not a drug so you probably wont hear about it
  10. eliah1211

    how much longer can this go on

    yes family size has been decreasing in first world counrtrys(not quite so much in poorer countrys) but now that there is already so many people in the world it almost doesn't even matter since theoretically there should be 4 times as many familys as there were 100 years ago. but i think were...
  11. eliah1211

    how much longer can this go on

    since 1900 the worlds population has doubled twice. with the doubling time at around 40 to 60 years and a population of over 6 billion people now how long can this go on? humans are the only species on earth that have exponential population growth. what does everybody think about this...
  12. eliah1211

    George W. Bush, for prosecution!

    if bush wasn't the piece of shit that he is would he need to be sneakin a bill through to save his own ass?
  13. eliah1211

    Weed + School = ...?

    i can honestly say that since starting to smoke regularly a couple years ago my grades have improved. my opinion-weed is just an excuse to be lazy for some people
  14. eliah1211


  15. eliah1211

    heat problems are ruining my day

    my flower room is only 4' by 4'... with the door closed my 400 hps bulb can bring it up 10 degrees in about an hour and a half
  16. eliah1211

    Yellowing problem. W/ photos.

    i'm using miracle gow organic right now as well and my plants look like they're havin he same problems... i figured it was somthing to do with the nutes so i ave em a litle extra thinking maybe they were low but i think they got a little worse. try flushing and see how it goes
  17. eliah1211

    Tom Cruise Purple

    oh my god thats funny as shit
  18. eliah1211

    heat problems are ruining my day

    :blsmoke:thank you to everyone for all the help. i'm gonna try to get a cool tube or a hood i can vent out put in this week and then see how the temps doing. if i still need it i'll grab a better exhust fan as well but once again thanks everybody and i'll try to get some pics posted up of...
  19. eliah1211

    heat problems are ruining my day

    those plants look very nice, how old are they? i was going to with CFLs but decided on the hps because of all the people that said how much better the bud production is. i didnt ralize even the 400 watters pump out that much heat and my learning experience continues
  20. eliah1211

    heat problems are ruining my day

    i think i'm just gona see wich i can do cheaper put in better intake and exhaust or install a cool tube but i think i'm leanin towards the cool tube. i would think that would eliminate the problem at its source.