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  1. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters?

    Awesome thanks guys :bigjoint:
  2. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters?

    Oh cool xD thanks man!
  3. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters?

    Kewl thanks :D and how do i power a inline fan?
  4. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters?

    Oh i see, thank you for your help :D oh and should i use the inline fan i chose in the previous comments?
  5. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters? This is what i plan on using. And it's no problem i'm grateful for the help :D
  6. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters?

    But how would that work, all of the carbon filter links i found make the air push through the middle of it.
  7. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters?

    This looks like the best for me The thing is, that i need it to fit on a dresser in my closet so it can't be seen, if the dresser i'm going to pickup from a guy on craigslist is big enough, i'm gonna put the fan inside the dresser and...
  8. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters?

    Oh awesome! what kind of fan should i get then?
  9. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters?

    But if i turn it down wont it not push air through my carbon filter? I have to turn it down during the day, and back up at night.
  10. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters?

    So what do i do about the noise?
  11. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters?

    I'm gonna be growing 2-3 plants depending on the germination, and the main plant is going to be the bushiest strog i can get :D, but if you think i need a 6in and 12 CFL's then i'll go out and get some, but i just figured out a inline fan will be way to loud for my stealth grow, i need something...
  12. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters?

    6 CFL bulbs, and will a 6in inline fan be loud? Also where can i find this ozone stuff? is it just something i can replace carbon with?
  13. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters?

    Okay thanks for the info man, so i guess i don't need another PC fan :D i'll make a new topic asking about the hole size once i get the dresser.
  14. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters?

    Sorry for the nub questions but what's that?
  15. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters?

    But what about fresh air? it's gonna be a air tite box.
  16. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters?

    Bump bump ):
  17. Zelltar

    Grow dresser filters?

    I am looking for a 4 drawer dresser to start my first stealth grow in my closet, smell is a problem and i wanted to ask something about my carbon filter, i am gonna buy a 75 cfm computer fan for intake, and a inline fan for outtake, loudness is a problem too, so would i need a carbon filter on...
  18. Zelltar

    First grow box/grow, need help

    Gotcha man.
  19. Zelltar

    RIU Indoor Harvest 2011 Cola Contest!

    I call it fat bastard :D
  20. Zelltar

    First grow box/grow, need help

    Okay so i am making a grow box out of a sub box my friend is building me in shop class. It's gonna be 4 feet tall, and 2.5 feet wide, And i'll be growing from a regy seed, So i wanna get the biggest dankest buds possible from that, So what fertilizers would you suggest? and i also have NO idea...