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  1. aaron197878

    Harvesting in stages?

    Thank you for the reply very do you go about flushing and nuting? do you flush then pick the best bud then re-nute again or just continue with the flushing? Advice would be much appeciated! Aaron
  2. aaron197878

    Harvesting in stages?

    Hi All, Just wondering if anyone harvested in stages and how they go about it? ie harvest the top colas and branches and then let them carry on flowering to let the lower bud rippen more to harvest later. Cheers Aaron
  3. aaron197878

    help!!! advise needed for white widow plant

    Plant was grown from seed 8 weeks in veg(18/6) the plants were then turned to 12/12 on the 17th october.
  4. aaron197878

    help!!! advise needed for white widow plant

    Hi All, Just wondering if you could offer a friend of mine some advise about a plant he is growing in his attic. Its a white widow and 7 weeks into flower, plant was growing fine for afew weeks then we had afew nights of really cold weather which he thinks may have shocked the plant, he now...
  5. aaron197878

    The blue Cheese, any tips on harvesting?

    Thanks for the replies guys :)
  6. aaron197878

    The blue Cheese, any tips on harvesting?

    sorry to be confusing, i guess what i mean is did you harvest your plant in the tent or take the plant somewhere else becuase of the smell it was emitting?
  7. aaron197878

    The blue Cheese, any tips on harvesting?

    wow that is some nice plant!!!!! cheers for the reply :) where did you harvest your plant if you dont mind me asking??
  8. aaron197878

    The blue Cheese, any tips on harvesting?

    Hi All, I have 3 plants that are ready to be harvested, 2 of the church(which i have grown before) and 1 blue cheese, the problem i am having is that the blue cheese is smelling to high heaven so much that even though i have a carbon filter running the smell is still seeping through my tent i...
  9. aaron197878

    1 seed found in bud, what could have caused this?

    Hi All, this is my first grow and yesterday i harvested 2 of my 3 plants as both top colas had gone very dry, they were 8 weeks and 4 days into flower( i have left the other one as it doesnt look ready at all) anyways i decided to have a pick through one of the colas to actually see how dry it...
  10. aaron197878

    advice please about top bud drying out

    cheers for the replies guys im using no nutes at the moment as i am in the process of flushing, if i removed the top cola would the rest of the plant grow as normal? im guessing that the light must have caused it but the other 2 plants are ok apart from this one.
  11. aaron197878

    advice please about top bud drying out

    hi all, sorry to be covering this subject again but i thought i would have better luck in this section. im 56 days into flower and i started flushing 3 days ago i plan to flush for 10-14 days, i have noticed that alot of the leaves feel very dry to touch from what i can gather is that is...
  12. aaron197878

    55 days into flower and dry leaf problem.

    thanks for the reply, i am using rockwell cubes planted in pots with clay pebbles and total time watered for the 3 times per day is 115 mins. cheers
  13. aaron197878

    55 days into flower and dry leaf problem.

    thanks for the reply....i have a hydro system that is set to water 3 times a day without any nutes added, does this sound ok?
  14. aaron197878

    55 days into flower and dry leaf problem.

    Thanks for the reply, yeah i was wondering too if maybe it was a heat problem aswell but with it being my first grow i wasnt sure wether it was all apart of the process, but that does make sense. cheers
  15. aaron197878

    55 days into flower and dry leaf problem.

    hi all, this is my first grow and my plants are now 55 days into flower and i started the flushing process yesterday, i plan to flush for 10-14 days. i have noticed that the leafs on my plans feel very dry to the touch and also the very top bud feels dry and i was wondering if this is a part...
  16. aaron197878

    advice on flushing

    Hi All, i was wondering if anyone could give me some advice, my plants are now 7 weeks and 4 days into flower i intend to start flushing when they reach 8 weeks over the past couple of days tho i have noticed that on one plant some of the leaves are starting to turn yellow should i start to...
  17. aaron197878

    your 1st seedling experience

    Hi, never had any experience from ordering online im sure more experienced guys on here will be able to point you in the direction, i would like to add tho that i am on my first grow and brought feminized seeds called the church which i germinated 8 out of 10 seeds(2 still in the packet until...
  18. aaron197878

    The Church

    you have some very nice looking plants there :-P i am also growing the church(50 days into flower) at the moment and im looking foward to see how it smokes like. here are a couple of pics
  19. aaron197878

    49 days into flower

    hi all, my first grow is 49 days(7 weeks) into flower (out of a 8 to 9 week of a grow cycle) and was wodering if you all could give me some comments on how things are looking, cheers !
  20. aaron197878

    yellow leaves

    im using a 1 x 1 x 2 meter grow tent and using coco a and b for nutes.The light was about 5 or 6 inch away from the top of the plant but i have moved it today and it is now about 12 inch above the plant.