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  1. M

    Problem with one of my babies

    i had the same problem. cut the nutes down and check the roots are ok. my roots started goin brown because it was being over watered the leaves were the same as u are describing. part from that it could be nitrogen would be good.
  2. M

    hey people can anyone tell me what this is and what to do

    hi i have figured out the problem i am havin. for some reason it is over watered. but i dont understand why. i am runnin a dwc system, the pump is the most powerful one i can get from the hydro shop. could it be that the water isnt oxgneated enough.. i checked the roots and they are go slightly...
  3. M

    hey people can anyone tell me what this is and what to do

    hi im still having the same problem. it is getting worse. all new growth is ok but the old is getting worse. yellowness and burnin around the edges. any help thank you
  4. M

    hey people can anyone tell me what this is and what to do

    im feeding them dutch master. which i normally dont like but is all i have access to at the moment. ph is 5.7.. the ppm is 100-200. i normally build the level of feed up as the plant gets bigger
  5. M

    hey people can anyone tell me what this is and what to do

    hi what is going on here. these have been vegging for abot a week now. they look healthy but the colour is slightly startin to change. any help would be cool. thanks in advance
  6. M

    what is NPK!!!

    hi this might be a dumb question but what is npk.and what do the numbers represent. ive gt a feed that is 5\ 9.6\ 4.6. what does this mean. thank you:bigjoint:
  7. M

    Warehouse grow

    i normally used vita link. which i get good results with. also try some top shooter gel for the last week of flowering. it is a bit expensive but its brilliant stuff. even the small popcorn buds come out massive.
  8. M

    Warehouse grow

    hey i ve tried dutch master nutrients and i didnt think much of it. go for it if you have used it brfore but if its your first time wouldnt recommend it. i tried for the first time and had all sorts of problems with the feed which i never had before. just my opinion tho. good luck hope...
  9. M

    help please. whats going on here tried everything!!

    the ph is 5.8 to 6.0.the ppm is it isnt overfed air temp is bout 30 degree. the ph adjuster is for plants.ive alsp mixed the feed into the water. wat do u mean by is the water holding oxygen. isnt the oxygen in the air enough or do i need a air stone or something.thanks for the replies.
  10. M

    help please. whats going on here tried everything!!

    cmon people a bit more help would be good.
  11. M

    Brown roots in nft.. any ideas on how to stop this happening???

    make sure light is not hiiting the resovoir or the roots of the plants.. and keep ur resovoir clean change the water at least once a week.
  12. M

    help please. whats going on here tried everything!!

    hi i am growing in a nft system. these plants are 2 weeks in veg and they are not growin. the leaves are all dying. ive grown like this on numerous occasions and have never had thisproblem before. the feed is 1/4 strength. i thought it was the feed but i changed that back to the normal stuff i...
  13. M


    i normally have it on constant flow and have never had any problems
  14. M

    help gt seeds aswell as bud what is going on

    hi i am growing in a nft system. ive gt 20 plants in a 6ft double channel tray. i noticed about a week ago that one of the plants closest to the resovoir was turning into a different colour. it looked like a bit of rot. i dont know if it was. the rest of the plants seemed fine so i thought id...