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  1. gunmanghost56

    Please help, 2-3 day old seedling problem.

    I'm just worried that without the cotyledon leaves the plant wont make any progress and die
  2. gunmanghost56

    Please help, 2-3 day old seedling problem. here's an imgur link that way you can zoom in and see for yourself
  3. gunmanghost56

    Please help, 2-3 day old seedling problem.

    I mean it looks like it could potentially survive but I know that not having either cotyledon leaf will greatly inhibit any growth. Or maybe I'm completely wrong and it will just wilt and die but I hope not, the white chronic was what I was looking forward too.
  4. gunmanghost56

    Please help, 2-3 day old seedling problem.

    Here is the best picture I could get for the time being, the sugar candy(far right) and sweet amnesia(top left) are doing really well but the white chronic(far left) is the one in question, I know its hard to see but if you zoom in on it you can see the one surviving cotyledon is turning yellow...
  5. gunmanghost56

    Please help, 2-3 day old seedling problem.

    I recently popped three seeds in some little square planters from a hardware store(I'm on a budget here) and I'm vegging them indoors for probably about 2-3 weeks and then planting in 3 gallon planters outdoors. My problem is one of the seedling sprouts came up with "Helmet Head" I did some...
  6. gunmanghost56

    Please help me sex my plants
  7. gunmanghost56

    first grow. 7 day pics any thoughts?

    They look nice, keep up the good work man, here's where I'm at with my one month old white widow's. The second picture was taken on April 12th, the first was taken 3 days ago, just to give you an idea of growth, cheers and happy growing!
  8. gunmanghost56

    Need some help on deciding on a flowering CFL light

    What about two 150w cfls? There 2700k as well
  9. gunmanghost56

    Which is better when changing light schedules, a long "day" or a long "night"?

    I'm doing mine in the attic too and my friend brought up a good point, since I will be harvesting around June-ish he told me I should flower at night considering it gets to 85-95 degrees at least every day starting in May, you're right the lights being on during the day would be exacerbating the...
  10. gunmanghost56

    3 and a half week update

    Here's a one month and a few days update, the plants are looking very nicely, but unfortunately I freaked out when there was a huge Honey Bee in my attic(god knows how it got in there) and I freaked out and broke my 26w CFL 5200k. Fortunately though I had been wanting to get a new light and this...
  11. gunmanghost56

    When should I start flowering?

    I bought feminised seeds so I don't think I'll have to wait to see the sexes unless one goes hermie, but I'm not worried about that with proper timers in place. I'm considering topping the biggest two right now. Or at least the older ones then maybe the younger ones soon after
  12. gunmanghost56

    When should I start flowering?

    anyone? anyone? Bueller?
  13. gunmanghost56

    Need some help on deciding on a flowering CFL light

    Do the t-5's only come in 48 inches or is there 24 inch possibilities as well?
  14. gunmanghost56


    Paranoia, just means you smoke a lot of weed, it was probably nothing.
  15. gunmanghost56

    When should I start flowering?

    The vertical space isn't too much of an issue, its the horizontal, I have about 5' of vertical space but only about 1.5-2ft of horizontal space, would topping or lst help in that instance?
  16. gunmanghost56

    When should I start flowering?

    Also was wondering if topping is a good route to take if you're limited on space, need some expert opinions on this stuff, very inexperienced grower but I've learned a lot from just having these plants
  17. gunmanghost56

    White Widow x Big Bud day 20 of flower

    Still can't see it
  18. gunmanghost56

    When should I start flowering?

    Okay so I'm kind of at a dilemma here. I realized I don't exactly have a lot of room to continue growing my plants and I was wondering when would it be a good time to switch the old timer to 12/12? clockwise starting from the top left the plants are 8.2" 6.5" 5" and 4.1" respectively. They're...
  19. gunmanghost56

    3 and a half week update These are the exact seeds I'm using if anyone is wondering
  20. gunmanghost56

    3 and a half week update

    I tell them I love them every time I check on them haha