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  1. Steven.Tyler77

    Storing weed for 3 months?

    Thanks to everybody for your replies. Yes, it was bought, I'm not a grower. It really looks fine, it doesn't look moldy or smell moldy. It just got dryer and the smell is not that strong as it was 3 months ago. So I think I'm in for a good time :)
  2. Steven.Tyler77

    Storing weed for 3 months?

    If a small amount of weed is stored in a ziploc for 3 months and it looks ok after all this time (just a bit dryer and noticeably less smelly), is it still all right to smoke it or to make edibles out of it? My natural tendency would be to say yes, as dried herbal teas can be stored for over 1-2...
  3. Steven.Tyler77

    Smoking vs Munching

    Just an idea: perhaps you could use make-up foundation in order to cover up the pale complexion and the rings under the eyes? I never had any issues with the way I looked like when I smoked pot, but I always get bad rings under the eyes when I do opiates. I use make-up foundation and it's...
  4. Steven.Tyler77

    Explain YOUR High

    I usually feel very relaxed, but if something upsetting comes to mind, I can get paranoid and freak out (e.g. I walk down the street dreaming off and next to me passes a bus; somehow this makes me think that my father might be in there, even if it's not his usual route, he might see me and...
  5. Steven.Tyler77

    Is it healthy to make edibles out of weed bought on the street?

    Not my fault. It's something that's quite strange with me: I am very affected by even small amounts of most psychoactive substances (I mean, even pseudoephedrine or caffeine, if you can believe it). I call myself a regular opiate user and I only need 30-60 mg codeine to get high and almost nod...
  6. Steven.Tyler77


    1. Queen 2. Aerosmith 3. The Beatles 4. The Rolling Stones
  7. Steven.Tyler77

    Favorite Thing To Do While High

    I love to listen to music when I'm high. It just sounds so wonderful, so overwhelming, just takes me to a heavenly space of mind. Music that's been written whilst under the influence I also like taking a walk - everything seems so new, so interesting and it feels like walking in a dream-state...
  8. Steven.Tyler77


    Queen, Aerosmith, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and many more...
  9. Steven.Tyler77

    Visual Effects of Cannabis (What do you see?)

    I haven't experienced any visual effects so far (and I do want to experience them, damn it!). Usually it's the perception of music that gets very altered to me, like I get to hear tones I never heard before in songs I otherwise know so well or I hear the whole music in 3D. Visual perception...
  10. Steven.Tyler77

    Is it healthy to make edibles out of weed bought on the street?

    I doubt I can stomach oil in a tea. It's pretty annoying to have such a sensitive GI tract, especially when fatty foods are my major IBS triggers and THC only dissolves in fat...
  11. Steven.Tyler77

    What Are You Listening To?

    I've been recently getting into the Rolling Stones a lot (I've always liked their music, but only after I started doing opiates did I really *actually* understand it). But when I'm stoned, nothing beats the Beatles or Cream to me...
  12. Steven.Tyler77

    Is it healthy to make edibles out of weed bought on the street?

    Thanks to everybody for your replies. I finally drank like half of the brew. It was ok and I'm fine now. I think my irritable bowel didn't agree with the butter in the recipe (I should've gotten lactose-free milk, but I didn't have the time to go and buy; I will, next time). All in all, I did...
  13. Steven.Tyler77

    Hello to everybody!

    I will look into it and check to see if the laws from my country (Romania) allow owning cannabis-related paraphernalia (I think they do, as there are a few websites selling bongs and pipes out here), then I'll get one myself. I think it'd suit my tastes very well... Thanks a lot for the advice.
  14. Steven.Tyler77

    Hello to everybody!

    Umm, that looks tiny and nice. I thought that devices of this kind were bigger. That could be hidden more easily, true.
  15. Steven.Tyler77

    Hello to everybody!

    The only problem is that a vap (or any other paraphernalia) would probably be very easy to find in my room... :(
  16. Steven.Tyler77

    Is it healthy to make edibles out of weed bought on the street?

    But if there's mold on the buds and I smoke it, isn't it equally harmful or even more harmful to smoke mold? I'm sorry to be such a newbie and so ignorant about these issues... I'm just trying to assess whether eating it would be more harmful than smoking the same stuff...
  17. Steven.Tyler77

    Is it healthy to make edibles out of weed bought on the street?

    Oh, I forgot to add that I don't live in the US, there is no medical marijuana where I live, also no dispensaries. In my country, street weed is the only weed available. I can't say I have a compromised immune system. I do have IBS though and I'm more sensitive to what I eat than whatnot...
  18. Steven.Tyler77

    Hello to everybody!

    Thanks for welcoming me! Yeah, it's the tobacco that bothers me in joints (I do fear for my long-term lung health). I also find it uncomfortable to smoke: I have a kind of a chronic cough, mostly in the mornings, and inhaling any kind of smoke greatly exacerbates it. A vaporizer is great...
  19. Steven.Tyler77

    Is it healthy to make edibles out of weed bought on the street?

    :leaf:That might be a pretty stupid question for people who are more experienced. But me, I have been smoking weed for only a couple of times. Is it healthy to eat weed bought on the street, as opposed to homegrown weed or weed bought from a dispensary? The thing is that I had to quickly get...
  20. Steven.Tyler77

    Hello to everybody!

    Hello to everybody! I'm pretty new to the loveliest drug in the world, namely pot. I have been recreationally using opiates and other herbs for quite a while though. I joined this forum in order to find out more about my new drug of choice. I'm mostly interested in making edibles, instead of...