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  1. D

    is this normal?

    Shud i dig up carefully and dig it deeper replant? Or what do i do?
  2. D

    is this normal?

    Lmfao these things look like they scared of the lights!
  3. D

    is this normal?

    heres a pic they all grow like backinto dirt
  4. D

    CFLS vs.LED

    I am using cfls...i jus been reading up alot and people seem to be using cfls alot more which either mean its cheaper or thays its better. Most led gardens ive seen also had cfls n them. And ive seen good looking plants with cfl.
  5. D

    is this normal?

    After germing u plant root tip n the dirt correct? Cuz i germed and waited for root tips planted but they all sprouted but it is weirdi have 2 that planted look like normal plants but other 8 girls like came up and then back into the dirt? I can take a pic if need be but like its pretty simple...
  6. D

    little help pleas

    Thanks for the advice just got splitter and 3 more lights cant wait!!!
  7. D

    little help pleas

    Im in a closet and have surge box but affraid it will blow fuse wen i art work and bye nye plants...but i also using the metal bulb holder thing people use to heat up snake tanks. I cant find the bulb spliter things anywhere where i can put two bulbs into it. Idk im just new at this
  8. D

    little help pleas

    Sorry i meant 3like im in phone hit 5it as well but only have 3i lights enug for one plant
  9. D

    little help pleas

    Any help works thamks
  10. D

    little help pleas

    So i started germing seeds...i am doing closet grow. but i got 5/10 crap seeds to germ as this my first grow testing...but i got only 35 cfl lights 26 watts...ik only enuf for one plant what should i do? Start all 5u and hope? Suggestions please
  11. D

    Need little help

    And now cant get seeds to even germ.
  12. D

    Need little help

    Yea i think temp is about 72u deg. Which aint bad for stumped years ago i thru 10 reggie seeds n micarcle grow and watered everyday and i had a small plant sittin on window seal was jus fun didnt have any i have lights pots and soil things i meed
  13. D

    Need little help

    I have 20 or so seeds its jus cheap seeds but jus trying it for my forst grow. Using closet to grow 4ftweed wide and 7fttall probly, but my question is germination process... Doing to diffrent methods. 10 seeds n shot glass water left out over night other 10girl seeds im usuing rubbermaid...