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  1. Dank O Licious

    Is safe?

    nothing is safe son. and welcome to RUI!!!!!!!!
  2. Dank O Licious

    Nine Years Trapped Inside My Own Head

    If your serious about this then stick to the doc you have now. cause hes a winner! now heres the bad news, being off all drugs will increase your mood/energy level/ overall sense of wellbeing... Even dope. now im not saying theres no time for dope. but stoping all drugs(including caffine and...
  3. Dank O Licious

    Nine Years Trapped Inside My Own Head

    lol, SORRY!!! even if your a girl, YOU CAN DO IT! And its good to hear your reducing your doses :)
  4. Dank O Licious

    whos gonna be r next president

    Another innocent American falling for the propoganda:roll:
  5. Dank O Licious

    whos gonna be r next president

    alright alright, sorry. was a little harsh. I guess I better watch my mouth after I have a couple drinks.
  6. Dank O Licious

    whos gonna be r next president

    Hi :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D look'n fly!
  7. Dank O Licious

    whos gonna be r next president

    Dude, its already decided. You think we have a say? haha Its McCain next. i dont even like him and I know hes ganna get elected.
  8. Dank O Licious

    Nine Years Trapped Inside My Own Head

    Dont kill his motivation. yea its ganna take dicipline but he can do it
  9. Dank O Licious

    Nine Years Trapped Inside My Own Head

    Yea, thats why there so dangerous! Wish the best of luck to you! stick to da erb!:blsmoke:
  10. Dank O Licious

    Curious about life

    If you wanna get into a working crowd that has definate weed smokers...Go to a golf course Otherwise, that was a pretty fucking dumb question
  11. Dank O Licious

    whos gonna be r next president

    hahha, This new way of typing english is the next generation of communication! get used to it! TTYL!
  12. Dank O Licious

    whos gonna be r next president

    McCain. no doubt about it. garuanteed. any one wanna put money on it?
  13. Dank O Licious

    I am the shit..

    you scored big man
  14. Dank O Licious

    Nine Years Trapped Inside My Own Head

    Dude, your doc just wants you to buy the pills( more $$ for her). tell him/her to go fuck himself/herself and get off them meds. its all in your head man.
  15. Dank O Licious

    First Timer! Is this good Weed?

    you'll know whats good and whats not after a while ;)
  16. Dank O Licious

    I hate my life.... please help

    Be true to yourself.
  17. Dank O Licious

    Feel like shit hangoverrrr

    smoke and drink some more! you'll feel better ;)
  18. Dank O Licious

    Just a sad day

    did you harvest what you had?
  19. Dank O Licious

    Weed Smoking Discussion

    courtisy greens! hell yea I do that!!!!