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  1. chrismanchester1979

    too many lumens??...

    If you are converting a wardrobe i would consider not using a high watt lamp defo not 400w or 600w your set up is safe but if its on fire you might burn your house down. If its a walk in you might get away with 400w but i would tell you through exp, add gypsum plaster boards fire resistant ones...
  2. chrismanchester1979

    How much an eighth???

    20 gbp for 8th for cron cron:bigjoint:
  3. chrismanchester1979

    Please help,cfls to close to leaves, curling down and plant attacked by dog !!!

    Its hard to suggest what to do you will have to brake down your set up Ie pot or tray size Medium Size of room How you feed drip, flood, manual feed Temp humidity Size of plant in inches How many How much per ltr ie 7ml per 1ltr Feeding shedule. If the...
  4. chrismanchester1979

    Please help,cfls to close to leaves, curling down and plant attacked by dog !!!

    Go to youtube type how to grow weed click on the dude with a green face and blue hat on his set up is mint
  5. chrismanchester1979

    Reservoir water getting oily.

    h202 flush your medium then flush with fresh water ph correct .... Then add your new rez with normal shedule and cover up that should help