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  1. S

    [Help] Can't determine sex of plant.

    I'm glad you said so because there's one that looks like sacks but with white tips on them. I'm hoping they pop like you say they might do! Anyway, it's been over two weeks, do you guys think the clones will get stressed at this point? More pics tomorrow.
  2. S

    [Help] Can't determine sex of plant.

    No I actually started with 10 seeds, 2 of which never germinated. Out of the 8, one of them died when I was careless and drunk. (I know) That left me with 7, this one is surely a male and by the looks of the rest, another might be too. Leaving me 5. I know 2 of them are female by the white hairs...
  3. S

    [Help] Can't determine sex of plant.

    Should I just trash it then? :(
  4. S

    [Help] Can't determine sex of plant.

    It's been a little over 2 weeks in a 12/12 cycle and it seems to be budding sacks. Not sure since it's my first grow and I'm thinking it just might be bud? I really don't think it is since I haven't seen any white hairs grow for it to be female. What do you guys think?
  5. S

    Sativa Journey

    Second week of flowering phase. Left them in their veg stage far longer then expected due to their size. This is one of my Budda strains and it seems to be growing "bulbs". Not sure if these are indicative of a male plant, can anyone confirm? If so, should I just trash it (even though it'll hurt...
  6. S

    2 1/2 week old, yellowing on one leaf? holes in another? pleeease helpp! PICS.

    Mine are no where near that size and they're 2 weeks old. They're barley growing their 3rd pair of leaves. :(
  7. S

    Sativa Journey

    UPATE 7-16-12 "WEEK TWO" Around five of the seedlings seem to have sprouted two more small leaves, giving them a total of six leaves. The other three are at lower stages. I was wondering if this is normal giving the time frame and the type of strain. I've seen some pictures of other plants...
  8. S

    Seedling trouble.

    I wonder if that was too much stress for your plant. I really want to know if it turns into a herme.
  9. S

    Seedling trouble.

    Yesterday my seedlings started laying down from being stretched. I'm not entirely sure what caused them to lay down but I had my theories. So, after propping them up with more potting soil, I brought them back in. They seem to be doing fine and although they didn't get a severe bend like yours...
  10. S

    Why are my seedlings laying down? Help needed!

    The main light is around 10 inches away. I read that 2-4 inches is best but I'm afraid of burning them. :(
  11. S

    Why are my seedlings laying down? Help needed!

    My phone was dead. :( I went ahead and added more potting mix to the base of the stem and it seemed to have worked. I also brought them back in afterwards and they seem to be doing fine. It was colder and windier than usual yesterday, coupled with how stretched and weak they were, so I'm...
  12. S

    Posting pics from mobile device

    Are you on a desktop/laptop or on a smart phone?
  13. S

    Why are my seedlings laying down? Help needed!

    I've been taking them out during the day under some shade for the past week or so. I bring them back in at night and put them under some CFL's to complete an 18/6 cycle.
  14. S

    Why are my seedlings laying down? Help needed!

    They have around a week and a half. This morning I took them outside and I think the change of temperature got to them. They are laying down but the pedals are still erect and taking in the sunlight. Why are they doing this and should I be worried?
  15. S

    Yield per Square Meter

    For sure! I'm just glad there's a medium where like minded people can share experiences and form a higher form of consciousness by connecting us some way or another. Causing somewhat of a ripple or wave through time and space. :)
  16. S

    Sativa Journey

    Will do and thanks.
  17. S

    Yield per Square Meter

    That's essentially what I've been picking up on these threads. Although there are verified methods of growing, it's up to the grower to do whatever he wants. It is essential to retain certain knowledge though, so a noob like me has to do some reading before actually messing around. Haha
  18. S

    Sativa Journey

    Oh wow that's tall and wide man. How long have they been growing and when should I put mine in contact with direct sunlight? Maybe another week or two?
  19. S

    Sativa Journey

    7 what? I'm not sure I follow. I set them under a tree so the sunlight cascades through the trees' branches. I'm not entirely sure how to rate that and seeing as I live in a hot area, direct sunlight would be too hot for them, I think. It's supposed to break 100 today. :(
  20. S

    Sativa Journey

    UPDATE 7-8-2012 It's the last day of the first week for these babies and I just thought I would share. I'd also like any feedback whether or not they're growing accordingly or if I need to adjust certain aspects of my growing technique. :) 5 of the original 7 have sprouted and 3 of them are...