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  1. D

    fucking attitude...

    Sorry to hear about this and i hope all goes well for you and i'm looking forward to hear their reply
  2. D

    "Sleeper" strains: Which cheap/ strains turned out to be unexpectedly good?

    Ministry of cannabis, Zensation and carnival are very good they don't have much of a write up on there beans,I got 5 of each and had 5&4 strike rate. Very good results i did them as an indoor outdoor grow ( under a 1000w for extra hours of light during veg) in 15L pots. Very robust and had to...
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    Bomb Berry Bomb

    I had some of these, an easy grow not a big yeilder. The smoke is very smooth and a good stone.My buds had no purple in them just nice dence dark green. Personally I think the biggest problem you'll have is hiding the smell,damn it's sweet. I kept some pollen and put it over a w.widow just for a...
  4. D

    Why is my plant so small?

    Could be a range of things. standard potting mix will sometimes cause nitrogen draw down (as potting mix decomposes availble nitrogen is used in the process) soil temp might be to low to stimulate new root growth, how many hours and what quality of light is it getting in a 24 hr period? what is...
  5. D

    Hello to all

    Hi everyone, I'm here to meet some ppl with the same interest and to learn as much as I can. Autoflowering is new to me, same with led lighting. Any and all help will be most welcome. So many strains out now and from what I see in the seedbank blerbs...