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  1. M

    Where can I get a good mushroom growing kit for beginers ???

    My old roommate used this kit. Doesn't get any simpler than that! Yes, more expensive than doing it the regular way but you asked for easiest.
  2. M

    Keeping a branch in veg

    So I've heard that you can put a branch in a bag or something(giving it 12/12) and make it start to show sex. Is it possible to do the reverse? I have a tent running 18/6 inside my flowering area. What if I zipped a branch into Veg tent? Could I just keep that branch Vegging while the rest...
  3. M

    Cabinet design?

    I'm not too sure about the sizes but I would suggest running the fan on a fan controller turned down and running constantly rather than turning on and off with a timer at full speed.
  4. M

    Where to buy tent port sleeves with draw strings?

    Use something like THIS and just attach an elbow or ducting to it.
  5. M

    list of EVERYTHING i need to grow in 3x3space

    Panda Paper, Mylar something that you can easily wipe down with a reflective surface. You want to shoot for 100w per plant. That goes for LED, CFL, or HID. HID is the most powerful, you get the best penetration but it emits a ton of heat. CFL is the cheapest route. They give off some heat as...
  6. M

    24 or 18/6??

    Plants grow in areas of the world that have 24/0 as well. You could even go with 20/4. I have noticed a difference between 24/0 and 18/6. Seems like they grow more during the dark cycle, which is realistically them "stretching" for the light. You're going to save a little bit of power if you go...
  7. M

    can i still LST if my plant is in flower?

    It depends on the form of LST you are talking about. It's totally ok to tie them down a little to spread the plant out and allow light to get to the lower areas. I would definitely NOT pinch and bend anything. If you haven't already, you should lollipop them as well.
  8. M

    How long you think I got? (budporn)

    I'd have to agree with everyone and say you still got about 3 weeks....When most of the hairs have turned amber and start to suck back in is usually around the time the trichs look ready.
  9. M

    Flavoring Buds

    So between my personal crops, I usually pick up from my friends mom. She grew some strong Blackberry Kush but she trims like shit and the flavor is pretty much non existent. I re-trim it all and put it back into a mason jar. I've heard putting in orange peels or other citrus peels add a bit...
  10. M

    Tent looks like its going to implode!!!!

    I remember when I first saw my 3x3 tent all sucked in. I ended up just leaving it. Fan speed controllers are super cheap. Just get one. If you just let it be, the walls end up touching the sides of the plants and that side usually doesn't have the best growth.
  11. M

    Is meth high simular to sativa high?

    I've tried it twice. Not anything like smoking a sativa. I wouldn't say scumbags but higher class people tend to go for a less jittery high and no paranoia feel that you get with Coke. It pumps your heart up, you get shit done, you sober up, and you think any second some team is going to bust...
  12. M

    Need help on my dresser

    Pictures would definitely help
  13. M

    easy yes or no

    The Turbo looking ones are more expensive.
  14. M

    2nd floor apartment grow

    Carbon filter and maybe a DIY ONA bucket if you're really scared about that.
  15. M

    How would I set this up

    You need to pull air from outside of the room, through the sealed hood, back out to a different room. If you have the hood intake in the tent or even in the room with the AC, it's going to be sucking your cold air out also.
  16. M

    Buying clones from a friend vs. ordering seeds online.

    Order the seeds online, then you can pick out whatever strain you want. Attitude Seeds was pretty legit and discreet. I got the guaranteed delivery and got a sweet tshirt with my "keychain." But like they most everyone said, if it's a close friend and I'll just kick them the clones for free and...
  17. M

    Where the EFF do YOU put YOUR ballast!? (PIC)

    Just nano coat it and store it inside the rez.
  18. M

    what size grow tent should i use?

    You could cram em in a 4x4 but I would go with a 4x8. What lights are you going with?
  19. M

    4x8 tent ventilation help!

    I assume you probably have a tent like I had where there is 2 hole in top left back corner and one on the left wall bottom towards the front. Use the top 2 for your light (1 in, 1 out) It's kind of stupid how you have to run the hose back to the same corner but it works. Bottom hole use for...
  20. M

    What lights to use

    Have you looked into LEDs? You could add a bunch of wattage without adding any heat.