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  1. D

    Help raising PH

    I have a plant growing in soil that is showing a soil PH of about 6.2. I was just wondering what I should use and how I add these materials to raise the PH to around 6.8? Suggestions are greatly appreciated! :-D
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    Question about raising PH in soil

    I have a plant growing in soil that is showing a soil PH of about 6.2. I was just wondering what I should use and how I add these materials to raise the PH to around 6.8. Thanks a lot!
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    Flowering Fertilizer?

    I am currently about 4 weeks into my first grow and I was about to start flowering within a week. I was wondering what you all would recommend for a good fertilizer during flowering. I have heard a good 15-30-15 fert will do the trick, but I don't want to use miracle-grow. All suggestions are...
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    Help with watering.

    Well, if I am using solo cups, when I first plant the seedlings should I add about 50 millimeter of water evenly into the soil? More/less? Suggestions would be appreciated :).
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    Help with watering.

    Well, then assuming i have optimal humidity (and I have holes on the bottom of the cup),how many mL should I add? I've had about 4 seedlings die on me now and it's just getting frustrating.
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    Help with watering.

    I'm currently germinating seeds, and I was wondering how often and how much (mL) I should water my 16 oz solo cups once i transplant the seeds into soil. Thanks for the help!
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    Seedlings in need of assistance

    Alright, will do. How long do you think it should take to see them improve?
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    Seedlings in need of assistance

    I'm new to growing and im about 2 1/2 weeks into my first grow. Over the course of the last 4-5 days my seedling has begun drooping / yellowing leaves / brown spots.I recently have thought it is due to over watering, but I'll let you be the judge of that. I did make the mistake of watering...
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    Help my leaning plant!

    I'm new to growing and I have a question about a leaning 1.5 week old plant. It started leaning to the side and I don't know if this is a problem or not. I have 2 25 watt flo bulbs 2-5 inches away from the plant. I also have a fan going (not directly on the plant) and I do not over water. Any...