Help with watering.


Active Member
I'm currently germinating seeds, and I was wondering how often and how much (mL) I should water my 16 oz solo cups once i transplant the seeds into soil. Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
It is going to vary depending on your temps and humidity. Make sure you pop some holes in the bottom of the cup for drainage


Active Member
Well, then assuming i have optimal humidity (and I have holes on the bottom of the cup),how many mL should I add? I've had about 4 seedlings die on me now and it's just getting frustrating.


Well-Known Member
In a cup like that maybe 1 time a week to every week and a half.
Get an icecream bucket fill half full or so and dunk the whole cup under water pull it up and let it drain its now watered.


Active Member
Well, if I am using solo cups, when I first plant the seedlings should I add about 50 millimeter of water evenly into the soil? More/less? Suggestions would be appreciated :).