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  1. S

    Sharing my progress...

    *crickets chirping* I'm thinking about a week to go, any thoughts?
  2. S

    Sharing my progress...

    Here's what the buds are looking like, testing out my new phone's cam. I've been "sampling" the small buds while all of her large colas mature. Think I'm on track to harvest in 7-10 days.
  3. S

    Sharing my progress...

    Thx bro. :) I did end up trimming the bottom two branches as they were way feeble compared to all of the other growth, even the other lower branches. After drying the buds for a few days, they were dry enough to burn, so I sampled some this morning. Premature look and smell (expected) but good...
  4. S

    Anxiety/Panic Attacks and Pot/Strains

    I'm the same way, and I traced it down to my use of sativa or sat. dominant hybrids. It's an effect of the THC; your mind starts racing with thoughts and ideas when you get high. Some people are like that naturally though, and the high level of THC in sativas just magnifies it for them. Like me...
  5. S

    Cutting branches stuns plant?

    My plant has a few small branches, the very bottom two, that are pretty feeble but have a nice bud on each that I wanted to sample. Will it distress the plant if I trim off any branches? She's well into flower, only has a few weeks to go.
  6. S

    Sharing my progress...

    Comin' along. Buds are getting thicker now. Trichomes are covering all the flowers now. I'm seeing a lot of reddish/violet stems on my fan leaves, and a lot of the inside fan leaves are beginning to die off. I understand this is normal for a maturing plant, so I'm not too...
  7. S

    Sharing my progress...

    thx :bigjoint:
  8. S

    Sharing my progress...

    Checking in with some progress. I haven't moved her into the sun yet today, got about an hour to go before I do. I thought the lower intensity light would make for some better pics. I digress; here's where she's at right now. I'm hoping she'll be ready to harvest mid-September, but am prepared...
  9. S

    Need some advice sexing

    phew... :D I'm just unsure of my own judgement since I had a plant that I thought was a fem end up male. My first grow was inside in a room my friend and I built, and we started with some pretty indica clones that we didn't have to worry much about besides keeping track of our nutes and light...
  10. S

    Need some advice sexing

    This is a plant that was given to me as a small seedling that had sprouted November-ish 2011. It was put in a small pot and left all but forgotten for many months while I concentrated on a few other plants I was growing. All my plants are bagseed, and I don't know if they're the same batch or...
  11. S

    Sharing my progress...

    Some new pics. I'm thinking it'll be a sativa dominant hybrid. It just seems to have some indica traits. She's getting fatter. The flowers are looking fine, and blooming on most of her branches. Main cola starting to look good. All the pretty flowers... :weed: Down on the bottom shady...
  12. S

    Sharing my progress...

    She's making good progress, the little buds are looking better every day. I noticed the plant doesn't have much smell to it, though. It just smells like plant. Is that indicative of a problem?
  13. S

    Sharing my progress...

    It's not quite 5 gallon, but it's pretty big. And yes, I expect to be watering her quite often soon. Right now, I water it in the morning, and moisten the soil again in the evening after sunset. So far, so good.
  14. S

    Sharing my progress...

    A few weeks ago I had to kill one of my plants when a plethora of pollen sacks appeared. I was saddened, but kept hope alive for my second plant. Believe it or not, I started this from seed before Christmas. The weather, of course, was crap for growing, so it stayed a seedling for several...
  15. S

    This is in my city's tap water! Is it okay to water my plants once or twice with it?

    Are the byproducts in tap water detrimental to the plant's growth or the finished product?
  16. S

    Temp got to 57 in my flower room, turn my white hairs RED!!!

    Outside? I'm guessing it's just the strain. My babies are potted outdoors and they see large temperature fluctuations regularly (80's-90's days down to 50's-60's nights). I'm only a few days in to the flowering stage though but she's all white pistils.
  17. S

    New guy, novice grower, quick advice needed.

    it's dead. thx again for the quick help!
  18. S

    New guy, novice grower, quick advice needed.

    Thanks for the quick response! Really appreciate it. :) I have another plant that's much shorter, but stockier. So far, I only see pistils on her, no preflowers yet. I don't want to chance it, looks like I'm killing hermie off tonight.
  19. S

    New guy, novice grower, quick advice needed.

    This pic really has me confused. To my untrained eye, this looks like a bud forming on top with male preflowers growing beneath.