Search results

  1. Red Eye Jim

    Getting ready to flush, recommendations?

    Soil, indoor grower getting ready to flush WW plants. About 2 weeks out to harvest. Currently using General Hydro nutes. 1200 PPM, (0-10-20) Bloom + Flora series. I have heard people add enhansers to make flavor better such as a tablespoon of lemon juice/gallon flush. Anything work for anyone...
  2. Red Eye Jim

    Fluffy, light buds

    Didn't dry completely until stems snap. REALLY good stuff though. Also tastes a bit green. I soil grow and use General Hydroponics nutrents. I knock them pretty hard with 1200+ PPM. Grow room can get above 84 degreens, but not often. This is my first dry and cure, so much is to be learned.
  3. Red Eye Jim

    Fluffy, light buds

    Have an Aurora Indica that was harvested 3rd week in August. The buds have dried and are in mason jars. I noticed that they are really light a fluffy. They look great, but they are light and have a greenish flavor. Anything I did wrong? :o
  4. Red Eye Jim

    Nirvana seeds

    I have used them twice, both with possitive results. Shipping seems like it takes forever (10 days - 2 weeks) But that's all you think about until they finally arrive. Pretty cool seeing those little seeds delivered right to my house!
  5. Red Eye Jim

    Cool DIY Carbon Scrubber

    I stand educated! I learned the vapor phase is the way to go, it's has more pores versus liquid phase. There is a good site that has this and not a bad price on eBay. Still the carbon I'm using works great, no more smell!. I suppose this is the difference between good and better, the...
  6. Red Eye Jim

    White widow. 5 weeks flower. Great pics!

    DROOL! Hope mine turn out like your's man!
  7. Red Eye Jim

    Cool DIY Carbon Scrubber

    By the way Doc GreenFinger, nice buds on your hyperlink!! I have a while to go, can you send me some buds like stealth style. The professor would send it in a coconut, first class mail!! Gilligan (Bob Denver) was a classic stoner, God Bless him!!! Plus he doinked the dogshit out of Tina Louise...
  8. Red Eye Jim

    Cool DIY Carbon Scrubber

    Good to know stuff. I made a larger filter, 10" to 8" versus the 8"-6" version in the website I saw. Keep in mind, no shipping and I did it a bit less for what they said. The one's I saw that you had were 4" and 6" Fun afternoon project. I like the DIY version, makes you feel like McGyiver. He...
  9. Red Eye Jim

    Cool DIY Carbon Scrubber

    Starting to get a bit stinky, like a skunk in my grow area. Desided that a carbon scrubber would help. I found a site with good pictures and instructions to make your own carbon scrubber. You can buy all the parts at Home Depot, Lowes, whatever and Walmart. It was easy to make and kinda fun...
  10. Red Eye Jim

    Difference between PPM Meter and Recomended per manufactuer

    No, it's a Hanna PPm meter and calibrates correctly. I guess my question is do I trudt a PPM meter or what the nutes company says.
  11. Red Eye Jim

    Difference between PPM Meter and Recomended per manufactuer

    I bought a new PPM meter on eBay, I wanted to be very accurate on my PPM. I had beeen mixing nutes per instruction from manufacturer. Then after getting the PPM meter, I was shocked on how wrong the manufacturer was. Readings that the manufactuter was recommending were way to light. B'Cuzz...
  12. Red Eye Jim

    Difference between PPM Meter and Recomended per manufactuer

    Here is the meter: HANNA Primo TDS Meter, PPM Tester, Conductivity - eBay (item 370058747099 end time Jun-14-08 16:25:22 PDT)
  13. Red Eye Jim

    Difference between PPM Meter and Recomended per manufactuer

    Based on experence, which is more reliable? A PPM meter or manufacturers recommendations?
  14. Red Eye Jim

    Difference between PPM Meter and Recomended per manufactuer

    I bought a new PPM meter on eBay, I wanted to be very accurate on my PPM. I had beeen mixing nutes per instruction from manufacturer. Then after getting the PPM meter, I was shocked on how wrong the manufacturer was. Readings that the manufactuter was recommending were way to light. B'Cuzz...
  15. Red Eye Jim

    Checking Ph?

    I check my water beore I water and check the water run off from my plants, assuming you're a soil grower. You can go to FAQ on pH and get some more info. I bought a really nice but cheap pH tester, here's the link I highly recommend it!! Good growing my friend! HANNA HI 98103 Pocket pH...
  16. Red Eye Jim

    Connecting PC fan directly to power cord

    I saw someone on the forum attach a PC fan directly to a power cord versus a PC power source. How is this done, a pic or two would be cool.... My first attempt resulted in sparks, ozone and a fucked up fan :o And I wasn't even stoned.... :roll:
  17. Red Eye Jim

    Connecting PC fan directly to power cord

    I saw someone on the forum attach a PC fan directly to a power cord versus a PC power source. How is this done, a pic or two would be cool.... My first attempt resulted in sparks, ozone and a fucked up fan :o
  18. Red Eye Jim

    DIY Cloning Containers

    Anyone have any ideas on a DIY cloning container made from clear plastic? One think I saw that was pretty cool was the plastic containers Baskin Robbins gives you that has the clear dome with the opening in it. Get the muncies, get a shake, clone weed. SWEET! (no pun intended) I have a very...
  19. Red Eye Jim

    Feedback on Aurora Indica

    I'm trying this. I hear it is one of the most potent indicas. Anyone have any feedback?
  20. Red Eye Jim

    Marijuana Seeds

    I have ordered from Nirvana twice, both have come very stealth. I did use my credit card and had not problem. The only thing was that by credit card fraud division called me both times to ask if these transactions were OK because they were from overseas. Recommend paying via credit card that...